Chapter 26 Brother...

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I wake up back in 'my' bed. I can't believe my brother has been here the whole time...Is he infected is the question...I sit up in my bed and look around the room again. Did he keep this room prepared for some random person to stay in or is it a coincidence that its clean. Maybe...
"Abby!" Anthony yells. I get out of bed and run down the stairs. I run into the living room where i see my brother holding boards to the window. "A little help?"
"what happen?" I ask.
"Oh just a small Invasion..." He replies. "anyways grab that hammer and some nails and nail these boards down." I do as he says and start to nail a few down. The boards suddenly brake in half and the people start getting in. "Run!" He says grabbing my hand. He starts to run into a room on the first floor. He shoves a chair in the doorknob and backs away.
" Why are we in this room! Were trapped in here now!" He gives me a face and move the carpet to see a hatch. "Oh..."
"ya 'Oh'." He opens it and wave me to go in first. I sigh and start to climb down. He starts to climb down but close the hatch and puts back the carpet. How smart of him.
"You do know they are as intelligent as you?" I say gently.
"Duh I know we only have a few minutes till they make there way here. I finally reach the bottom and its pitch dark. Soon there a light coming from a lantern my brother some how found...
"Shall you lead the way?"
"Why thank you." He goes first and starts to jog a little to get to the end of the tunnel. I follow as he starts to trip a little on one of his feet.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Oh...I-I'm fine don't worry about me..." He replies. I don't know why he hides stuff from even thought were siblings but I know its really him from that I guess. "Theres the end." I look at the end and start to wince. I see a ladder but thats it. He hands me the lantern and starts climbing. I start to climb as well but sometimes get my hand off. I run into Anthony foot and look up. He starts to open other latch and brakes open a patch of grass. He climbs out and gives me a hand up. He grabs the lantern and throws it at the people. They light up so quick they were like walking match... well running ones anyways. We start to run away. I get flashbacks of when my brother and me was running away from...him! I remember when my brother got taken back into there as well. GAH! Don't think like that especially at a time like this! I catch up with Anthony and we keep running.
"We have to hurry!" I say panting.
"I know, I think there was a secret place over here." Anthony says. I see the compound and start to run faster. I start to run towards the door.
"Cody!!" I start to yell.
"Cody? Who's this Cody?" My brother says. The doors slightly open and my brother plus me get grabbed in. I hit the floor and get hit in the shoulder. I open my eyes and look over to my shoulder. I see a dart in my arm. Not again...
"Ahhhhhhhh!" My brother and I yell. I close my eyes and feel tears run down my cheeks. I feel an embrace and the pain increase in my arm.
"Ow my arm!" I say under my breath. I open my eyes and see Cody crying as well.
"I'm sorry I just thought I'd never see you again..." He says. He press his lips against mine and a warm feeling travel thought as if its summer. I feel like time just stopped its self. I put my hands on his face and feel the tears that covered his cheeks.
"Woah! Don't touch her!" My brother says pushing us apart. Dang it I thought that would last longer...
"Anthony! I was having a moment there!" I yell.
"I don't care if you have a moment just not kissing!"
"Why are you so mean!"
"I'm just protecting you thats all!"
"Protecting me from what?"
"From him!"
"Umm...Abby?" Cody says. My brother and I look back at Cody who is confused as weak as Ada who looks like that as well. Has she been there the whole time?
"Right...He's my..."
"Brother for your information! Plus I don't trust you with my sister!" Anthony says embracing me. "And you are?"
"Her Boyfriend." I feel my cheeks burn as Cody said that. I'm not embarrassed of him, just him telling my older brother that...
"Boyfriend?" Anthony says between his teeth.
"Well then umm...Cody meet Anthony and Anthony meet Cody..." I say nervously.
"Hi...You..." My brother says grinding his teeth together.
"Hi Anthony nice to meet a sibling of Abby sense she already meet mine." Cody says smiling like he already know him.
Ada pretends coughs and gets attention and says... "You guys are now able to stay here sense your both pure and all...somehow..." Ada walks off with her gun and starts to scratch her head. I guess she doesn't understand how my brother and I are pure, Only the both of us will know why. Cody and my brother get up.
"Need a hand?" They both say stretching a hand out. They both look at each other and start to glare at each other.
"Please take my hand!" My brother says bending over a little more so his hand is closer to me.
"No let me help!" Cody quickly picks me up and starts to take me to my room.
"Home sweet home?" I say to Anthony.
"Ya, just without him!" He says pointing at Cody.
"You know I can hear you?" Cody asks.
"Why do you think I said it?" Anthony replies. OH! Get burned...
"Pft..." Cody faces forward and opens the door. Before my brother even gets in Cody slams the door on his face and locks it. He lays me on my bed and puts his forehead against mine.
"Don't leave me like that again..." Cody whispers.
"I'm sorry I needed to save him I owe him from the last time he saved me." I whisper back.
"Oh I see...Well still you made me start drinking again!"
"Wait you drink?" I whisper yell.
"N-No I did before but I stopped then when you left I started blaming myself that I chased you away!" He whisper yells.
"Abby I still don't want you with this alcoholic!" My brother yells thought the door.
"Dang it I thought he left..." Cody says.
"Where would I go I don't know a thing about this place and I don't even have a room here!" Cody sighs and embraces me.
"Right..." I look at Cody in disappointment. "I'll be back..." He whispers. "I love you."
"Love you too..." I whisper giving him a kiss. He smiles and gets up off the bed. I sit up and smile at him. "Your such a weirdo."
"You fell in love with this weirdo!" He says opening the door.
"Have fun bonding!" I yell.
"Ya we will..." Cody yells back.
"Ya for sure we will have fun..." My brother yells. I start to laugh as I lay back down on my bed. The girls come in and start to stare plus smile.
"So are you going to admit that you love him?" Sandra says sheepishly.
"When you say you love Chris!" Sandra face becomes as red as a tomato.
"Anyways how are you still pure after being out there for that long!" Rosie butts in.
"I don't know...I was with my brother in a house not far from here.
"Did you bring any of those thing here!?" Ada says scared.
"No we lead them to something else first before we came here.
"I see..." Ada says gently. She walks away from the door as Rosie chase after her. Sandra stand at the door staring at me.
"How do you like my brother?" Sandra says closing the door.
"I'm not talking about this!" I say putting my face into my pillow.
"Oh come on it's just us."
"Still..." I say pulling the pillow off my face.
"Well I want to know sense this is the first time where he actual cares about some girl this much..."
"Wait he's dated before?"
"Duh every guy going to try and get anybody they can to get into bed with them."
"Please don't remind me..."
"What have you dated before?"
"Well once, before this all happen."
"A guy from work...Ended up he was cheating on me and with someone I really hate."
"I see...So you already know the game already."
"Yup it sucks ass so much."
"Pft...and I thought you were all innocent."
"I am I never did any of that stuff!" Why did she have to say that! Gah my cheeks are burning again!
"Hm...Well maybe we can talk about this later..." She gets up and heads for the door. "Nice talk with you..." She opens the door and leaves. Man that's the longest conversation I ever had with someone about...that...
"Knock knock..." Someone says.
" many people so I have to talk to!!"
"Just me...I'm your last visiter." I look up and see Cody hand around the door.
"Oh I thought you were someone else..."
"Well if have a question for you?"
"Ya just one."
"Fine but don't say anything weird..."
"Ok is it ok if I stay here till I find a room for your brother?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I gave my room to your brother and I'm asking if I could stay here with you." I look at him in confusion. "What I'm to lazy to go look for a room for him!"
"Topical you..."
"What admitting I'm lazy is hard!"
"Ya right..." I close my eyes for a second and find myself sleeping. That's something t I do for sure...Great...

End of Chapter 26

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