Chaptet 29 Secerts, truth, and Hatred

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And one of the people in front of
The boy grabs him.
"Run Abby! Just run don't stop for anything! Just run! I'll Find you when I get out of here!" The boy yelled. She ran and never stopped she soon disappeared into the woods and the boy was dragged off back into the place they were in. Cody started to zoom in and out. Someone grabbed the camera and turned it off.
The video gets put away and other shows up. it slowly loads as I stare at the screen. So this is the back story of my life...strange... It starts to play and I feel my heart skip a beat.
The boy is now older and sitting on an old couch. Pretty sure the other man is holding the camera now.
"Son come on I want to see you more often in the facility..."
"Leave me alone..."
"Cody I know your still upset about the girl and the boy but we can find them again don't wor...
"I don't care what you says! I liked her and I don't even know if she liked me back! I'm already 15 and I've been helping you here instead of going out with girls and finding out new things about careers and stuff! I've been in here most of my life now I barely even go to school now!"
"Son I just..."
"Son nothing I want to get out of this..."
I pause the video. I look at the boys face up close. He ran up to his father as he said son nothing...His dad must really not want him to fall in love or at least leave his side. But...I know this kid, he's the only person who I ever know the longest, expect my brother but still. Cody...How could he. He always was there. Is this really just how it ends...I mean Cody's like my whole world now, but he just crushed it by hiding all this in one place! I hated the man who made me stay there but I'm starting to realize, Is this just to finish what his dad started. I know he said he liked me but did he really need to hide this from me? I push the button and stare at the screen again.
"Place it's already filling me with your evilness! Even if you did find her she might already figured out how to control her powers and maybe she can control people and stuff!...Now I know why mom left you..." He started to cry. The camera fell out of the mans hands and creaked the screen. It wasn't facing the right way but I know that he was comforting him.
"Stop!" I turn around and see Cody at the door. All bloody and bruised. He's now wearing a sweater and it's already shredded. He's also on the floor with one hand up in the air for me to stop and one on his stomach to stop the bleeding. "Stop please, I didn't want to tell you this so soon but you already kno..."
"Why...Why did you think it was right to leave me in a place like that! I hated it there! You even that mans son for crying out loud! I mean he torture me with my own power for no reason!"
"I know, I know I hated when he dragged you away into the little place but I couldn't do anything!"
"Ya you could you maybe should have told your dad I'm a friendly and not an evil person ready to kill people!"
"I did do something ok! You wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for me!" He gets up of the floor and starts walking towards me.
"What do you mean by I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you?"
"I set your brother out! I gave him the plank to escape and take you out of here! But it back fired when they took your brother back in! After you left I felt depressed and started to try going to school but my dad wanted me there with him! I finally wanted to let this time be right and I let your brother out again about 10 year after you left! I told him never to come back and to always keep you safe no matter what and so far he did a good job! Finally I see you again and fall in love with you once more and all I get in return is a slap in the face!"
"You know what tell me your last name!" He says stopping in front of me.
"I remember it when you were little we went to school together! I told you that I loved you and you remind me of someone beautiful! When I fell off the playground and you helped me to the nurses office I felt special I felt like I was being cared for by someone! When you left to private school I was crushed! I never got better and TRYED to convince my dad to change my school to private! He refused, I was dead in the water till you went back and met Chris! I hated him at the time sense you were the prettiest girl in school you were silent but you were even more attractive that way! I loved everything about you! Even when Chris did make you smile and laugh I felt good to know he would protect you no matter what!" He said holding my hands. I feel tears grow in my eyes.
"I hate you..." I say hugging him while sobbing into his sweater. I feel his hands trim my hair as he hugs me back. I'm lost in his words. I thought he was trying to back stab me but really he's just to soft to even hold a knife! He pulls back and kneels down to see my face. His smile so bright makes me feel like I'm something. He puts his hands on my face and wipes away the tears from my drenched cheeks.
"Please stop crying Abby I will always love you no matter what..." I wipe my tears with my sleeves and hug him one last time.
"I love you..."
"Do you love me or do you hate me make up your mind women!!!" I laugh and let go of him. "I love you too..." I smile and kiss his forehead. We go to the door and hope nothing's on the other side. Surprisingly nothing was there still and only a few of those things came. Me and Cody slip away and start to look for a house of some sort. We find our selfs on a road soon and start to look at the tall buildings. We slowly walk looking for a building not full of people and by its self. We soon reach the end of the road and still nothing. Cody grips onto my hand and starts to run. He lets go of my hand and starts to run even faster. I try and run as fast as I can but he's to fast. I feel something hit my foot and I trip falling in my face. As soon as I hit the floor a thump can be heard from a mile away.He turns around and sees me rubbing my head.He gives me his hand and helps me back up.
"You ok..."
"I'm fine..." He turns around and crotches down signaling me to get on his back. I sigh and get on his back. He goes slow but starts to run full speed. I watch as the trees and branches start to go past us. Leafs somewhat falling off the trees as cody runs faster. I feel the wind against my face and it feels like your yelling into a giant fan that's turned on. Soon we stop in front of a house that's close to a barn. Cody gets down and I get off his back. He starts to wobble as he try's to get back up. I help him up and putting his arm onto my shoulder while putting my other hand on his waist. I help him inside and set him down. I close the door and look at the room. It looks like the house I was in when I met Anthony again. I help Cody up and onto the couch. I start towards the kitchen and look for first aid kit. Drawer after drawer nothing...
"Abby what are you doing?"
"Looking for something to help your wounds..." I say opening random drawers. I find it and open it. I take out the rubbing alcohol and some cotten balls with a few small bandages. I quickly pour some of the rubbing alcohol on to the cotton ball and rush to Cody. He looks away from me and shows me the scratch on his face. "This might hurt or it won't hurt at all..." I say hesitating on putting it on his face. I slowly put it on his face and he winces.
"Why do you have to put that on me?" He ask.
"Same reason you put a band aid on..." I dab it and put a bandaid over it. I look at the rest of him and see the gash on his stomach.
"Ya I found it like this..."
"R-Right... this might be a problem..."
"What just pour some of that stuff onto a cloth and your done..." I sigh and get off the couch. I walk back to the kitchen and look in the small case. A small cloth layer under neath everything else. I move everything else and take it out. I grab some lotion thing that I should put on his gash. I pour some of the thing into the cloth and rush back. He pulls his sweater and shirt up a bit and I felt like crying. His side is all bruised up and red with blood everywhere. I don't even know how to fully describe it... I gently dab it and see Cody flinch. He sighs and sucks it up. I wipe the blood off and put the lotion on it. I hand him the roll of bandages to him. "What?"
"You put this on..."
"Why me?"
"I done touching that gash of yours..." He sighs and walks into a room not far.
5 minutes later...
I rub my temple and look around. He's taking longer then expected... I get off the couch and walk over to the room he's in. I put my hand on the handle and wince. I open the door...

End of Chapter 29
Again I made it long I make my stores in full description and I want you guys to love it so please don't get mad at me when story gets to long sorry I just can't stop the feeling some times...the day Abby's on sounds like it's really long but really I just forget to say stuff like its sun down or it's still morning right nows it's like almost night time so your welcome

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