Chapter 33 Talking

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I wake up.
Is it still night?
Maybe it is I don't know sense there's no windows here.
A figure could be seen next to my bed I feel cold now...
"Abby..." They get on my bed and lay there head on my chest. I feel hands touch both sides of me and something watery falls onto my neck.
"H-Hey!!" I say.
"I want more..." They say. They put there lips onto my neck. I feel something nip my neck.
"S-Stop it..." I say. I get a kiss on where they nipped me and they stop. Are they asleep? Oh gosh that was weird... Who would do that...Oh right... I sigh and close my eyes hoping to go back to sleep. The lights flicker and the door slides open.
"Hey guys time to..." Ada stood at the door.
"Ya...That's how I felt when this just happened..." Ada just steps away from the door and its slides close. Great that just happened...

Wow smooth move...

What do you mean smooth move?

Now she thinks you and him just had it...

Ya...right...anyways who are you?

Anyone I guess I'm still just in your head...

Oh right then that's just great then

Ya it is your talking to your self Conscience and everyone will think your lo-co!!!!

Ha ha ha I guess my self Conscience has a sense of humor now...

It technically your humor...

No way I'm way more funnier then you are

Oh really prove it

Ok then I will knock knock

Who's there


Pair who

I got you a pair of  sandals you happy I didn't say orange?

I don't get it...

Ya that was floating over my head as well but I will get it right sooner or later...

Ya right...

Man I'm terrible at this

At what your relationship or your humor cause there both lame


Nah I'm just going to hold on to it for now...

"Abby?" I blink my eyes getting them to focus on what's going on. I looked back at Cody who's still puzzled.
"Oh Cody your awake..."
"Ya and you were talking to your self again..."
"I think I have a problem now..."
"Ya you do you were talking to ur self for an hour..."
"WHAT! Impossible!"
" you said something every five minutes I think plus it looked like you were asleep sense your eyes were closed!"
"Ya 'oh' anyways I'm going back to sleep..."
"Weren't you just sleeping!!!"
"Ya, an hour ago..."
"Oh ya right forgot that..."
"Well goodnight..." He says resting his head on my chest again.
"It's not even night..." I mumble...

End of Chapter 33

Sorry this was short I was sleepy and it was night so ya to me I would say goodnight so GOODNIGHT!

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