Chapter 13 Memorie

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I woke up. I felt drowsy from the comfort of the bed. I stared at the ceiling like I always do. I looked to the right of me to see if cody was still here. Cody wasn't there. Wait...Was all of last night just a dream? Do I really have feelings for a guy I barley know? Duh! I mean plenty people fell in love at there first sight. I mean I didn't first like him but still! I sat up to light coming from Codys desk. It was blinding! I moved to the side where the light didn't hit my eye anymore. There was something sticking out of Codys desk that was reflecting light. I got out of bed and walked over to his desk to investigate. I opened the cabinet to a mirror. A sliver plated one. I can tell sense some of the silver was showing the bronze that was used to make this. But why would he need a mirror? Probably for his hair. I looked into the mirror with out hesitating. Looking at the "brown" eyes I had. I know I was lieing to myself about this face of mine. It's one of my main secerts that I bury underneath every other one I have. Its the one I want to cry about Sense its true. I took out the contact that hid away the secert and I looked strat at it. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. A scar I never dared to pick at finally opened up. The memories that I had left behind finally got picked up, Flowing throught my brain like water. The danger I went throught, the adventure, My childhood...The truth. Its the reason I was anti-social, I can finally feel relifed that I can feel my life come back to me from so long! Ha, I can still remember it...
I stared at the mirror again. Admiring the eyes I had. The red eyes I had made me stand out a lot. I layed down on my bed with the mirror in front of me. The room was just white and the bed was in the corner witn a dresser close to it. The same thing I wore everyday was still on. The red T-shirt, The black pants, The yellow wristband I had that said 2 on it. I know he was coming for me right now with his fake smile. Ha, I wish I could see her again. The nurse instead of that sick bastard. Her name was mary if I'm correct. She told me funny stories, she was wonderful. She told me why I was here and why I have to take all these test. She told me that my mom died giving brith to me and my brother, That my dad only got to hold me once. That he couldn't bare to live in a world with out my mom. She also told me that my brother was a year older then me. I met him once before but thats it, or so I thought. Someone bursted into the room. The doors slide open quickly and appeared a man. He was tall but not to tall. He had white hairs that only covered the sides of his head, The top of his head was blank. He wore a white lab coat and glasses. He stared at me in anger. He started to walk toward me.
"Hi hows your day..." He grabbed the mirror in my hand and throw it to the floor. "Hey! What was that for!"
"Abby," He said. " Stop wasting your time in here and do something with that brain of yours for once!" I know him but not his name. Everyone usually calls me experment #2 or just 2 but he has an intrested in me for some reason.
"Why should I?"
"Because I need to know what your capable of doing with it! You can do anything with that brain but all you do is look at yourself and daydream!" He said grabbing my hair.
"Ow! That hurts! Let me go!" He forced me to get out of the room and walk down a blinding hallway. Finally we stopped and he pressed a button that opened a door. He shoved me in and closed it. I layed on the floor waiting for other punishment again. Usually he just have me have a grest time then ruin it by having end up getting killed by something. His mind is cheese never able to think straight. The room was like my room all white just this time nothings in it, Well not yet. I felt the room shake a bit. The room started to turn into a grimmy landscape. It was dark the moon on the ceiling, Trees and bushing popping out of the floor slowly, the walls became a forest full of trees and bushs obviously. But this isn't right its regularly just unicorns, rainbows and stuff. Whats he planning on doing this time. Suddenly there's groaining on one side of the room. I wanted to see what it is but I just ran into the wall instead. I started patting on the wall trying to get througnt pushing it. Usually the room would give me a big landscape He's planning on making this super hard on me. Arms popped out of the wall. Then a head and legs plus a body. I backed up to the middle of the room. It came towards me slowly. It was a guy with a suit that's shredded up. He only had a mouth on his face. He kept walking towards me super close to grabbing me. I hit the wall in back of me. It kept coming my way. I didn't know what to do I can't just run in circles the whole time. Suddenly arms came out of the wall and tryed to grab me but I was able to dodge his hands. Soon there was four of them and I was trapped. Suddenly they dissapeared and only one of them was left. I tryed to run but I was to late. It grabbed my shoulders and held me there. I never seen such a thing before. I sometimes would think negative but this is to far. I felt its teeth dig into my neck. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Feeling the pain of this sucking at my blood. The pain was overwhelming. For a 6 year olds this is to much to handle. It stopped and let me fall to the ground with a thump. I couldn't move for a few seconds till the stuff in the room left. Everything in the room started to fizz up and disappear. The room was blank with me on the floor gasping for air. The door slide open and there he was with his fake smile, clapping slowly.
"You never learn do you, Abby?" He said.
"I hate you..." I said gasping for air still. His smile turned to a blank space. His expression was nothing anymore. I sat up to see whats going on. Then he fell to his knees and fell face first to the ground. I stared at his body on the floor. Blood spilling over his face. I felt guilt over come me. I thought my death stare actually killed him. But the. I saw someone standing behind his dead body. A boy holding a plank thats smeared with blood. He wore the same yellow tag on his hand with a black shirt plus dark blue jeans. He was tan and had a buzz cut. I know who it was the only person who could have done this.
"Big brother!" I yelled.

End of Chapter 13

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