Thor | Stars

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He kept his arm wrapped around your waist, loose but strong, as the both of you walked from the small restaurant that had seemingly been in the middle of no where, through the green field full of semi-dried long grass that separated the restaurant from its car park.

The stars here shone brighter than in the city, the lack of pollution obvious even to your eyes.

Even in the midst of this darkness, the both of you were laughing as though you wouldn't wake up a soul, even if you could see the light peering from behind the protective barrier of trees.

You were glad you'd worn flats.

The end of laughter brought up the sound of shoes on dirt as you made your way through, one arm carelessly strewn around his waist, the other outstretched to feel all the buds of lavender made a slinks to your fingertips.

In the midst of losing yourself to the ever abundant nature, you lost your footing. God or not, he hadn't realised fast enough and in a last moments worth of an attempt, threw himself under you to stop the ground impacting you as it had intended.

It sent the both of you into fits of laughter as you rolled off him, your body coming to rest on top of many protesting stems of grass that bent at your weight.

You looked at him only to find that there were three stems blocking your otherwise unobstructed view of his baby blue eyes under the moon and starlight.

Your eyes dared him to do something about it, enticing him to act.

With a quick swipe of the hand, he pushed them down and moved across to cover them, a childish expression plastered upon his handsome face.

As you giggled, he laughed along.

It was so nice to know that you weren't required to fill every waking silence with a word when you were with him. You were simply allowed to be yourself. Free and full of joy, as everyone is made to be.

He smiled before looking up to the sky. You followed suit, noticing how gorgeous the sky looked from down there. It made you feel small and powerless, but special, knowing that you were here amongst all the odds.

He returned to you. "Do you see that?" he asked.

"See what?" you replied, confused as you looked to the heavens to decode what he believed he saw.

"That there." He reached out to point at it before aiming to align your head with what his view had been.

"A star?"

He nodded. "But not any star."

Intrigued, you begged him to go on.

"That," he said, his own voice full of mystery and wonder, "that is the only star both Asgard and Midgard can see at the same time, regardless of who they are."

You looked at the small white blip in the sky, your closest attempt at reaching an understanding of his home and his life. "Does it have a name?"

He shook his head. "Some call it the gateway. Others simply gaze at it and let it be."

You smiled, quickly taking a peek at him. "A gateway." You hadn't realised the words had left your mouth much like an echo of his voice.

He nodded before turning to you on his side. You turned to meet him.

"Name it," he said.

You were slightly in awe and slightly in shock. "Name it?"

He nodded before grinning. "As King of Asgard, I demand you name the star that joins our realms together."

You puzzled over a name whilst laughing at his horrid attempt at regal.

"How about..." You thought long and hard. "How about... Bob."

He looked at you with surprise then laughed. "Bob it is!"

You burst out in laughter. "Bob?! Are you crazy?!"

"You're the one who named it, My Queen."

You loved hearing that. The warmth in his voice when he called you affectionate things made you smile. You giggled before waving to the star. "Hi, Bob."


Random!! Btw, hi! :) What would have named it?

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