Chapter 66

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Y/N put his prosthetic eye into his socket as multiple lines began glowing white. Y/N noticed a hud appear in his vision. It was giving him diagnostics and things like a diagram for his body.

"Warning, combat mode should not be used, multiple ribs are still broken and body is not in optimal conditions"

Y/N: Override.

The message disappeared as Y/N grabbed a small takeout box from his nightstand. Y/N threw it up into the air and his prosthetic glowed white before shooting a laser that completely obliterated it. And also put a small hole in the ceiling.

Y/N did a small fist bump until the lamp was turned on.

Dawn: Did you put a hole in the ceiling?

Y/N: ÍI can fix that.

Dawn: I'm to tired for this shit.

She immediately flopped back into her bed and fell asleep as Y/N raised his hand, his gear all flew out the closet towards him and it formed around his body.

Y/N immediately teleported away as Dawn raised her head again.

Dawn: wait. He wasn't supposed to go out yet. Eh he seems fine.

Y/N appeared in C-Sides and saw Marie standing at a desk. Y/N walked over as she waved.

Y/N: Hey, what's the plan?

Marie: Your clearly excited to be back up. Well we have a lot of work. First off. We need to figure out some counters to the Y/N task force. First off. C-Sides.

Y/N: There's a Y/N in this universe?

Marie: Yes. We did some digging and found a few things out. Here, you never got in the bunker. You were apart of a space program to make first contact with the Triadians. So you never got infected by the Skibidi Virus, you didn't even know what had happened until DaFuqBoom showed up and told you.

Y/N: So he's on the Triadians planet?

Marie: Yes. We need you to go.

Y/N: How?

Marie: That's the issue. We need a spacecraft that can get there in a day or two.

Sam: We may have a solution for that.

They turned around to see Sam walking over.

Y/N: Didn't expect to see you here.

Sam: I had just heard of the issue.

Marie: what do you suggest we do?

Sam: I used to have a group of Cameraman scientists, who were researching space related technology, but it was far to dangerous. So I made them stop. But they didn't accept it. So they defected. They made a space station and went into orbit somewhere.

Marie: Are you suggesting they may be able to make one?

Sam: Yes. But we have no idea where they are and they most likely won't be the friendliest bunch.

Y/N: we can try.

Sam: Yet another issue. If we do manage to locate the station, how do we get up to it?

Y/N: Now that you mention it. I was told a hole to a facility was opened up when me and Frost fought the Y/Ns. Perhaps something is in there that could help.

Sam: we could try.

Y/N: Alright, see ya.

Sam: Wa-

Y/N had already teleported away and he appeared outside the hole. Y/N looked at the hole and noticed how deep it was. Y/N looked around and saw multiple agents.

Y/N: how deep is that hole?

Radio man: About 200ft.

Y/N: I'll survive.

Y/N jumped down as he began using his jetpack to slow his fall. But then Y/N clipped a piece of the wall and it came off and hit him. This slammed him into the wall which cause multiple more pieces of rubble to come off.

These all kept slamming into him destroying most of his gear.

(3 minutes later)

Y/N flew down into a room narrowly avoiding a cave in as his jetpack faultered. He ripped it off and threw it at a wall as it blew up. It destroyed the wall and Y)N heard it cave in. But he was having trouble seeing. The panels on his prosthetic slid back as it turned into a flashlight.

He was in a white room. With nature clearly having took over. But through the hole in the wall, Y/N heard a voice. A robotic voice.

???: Hello! Is anybody there?

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