Chapter 59

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Y/N woke up in a dark area, he wasn't here before, he was in the bed before. He pulled his phone out and checked where he was.

"Location unknown"

Y/N checked his phone, no service. The time read 6:66PM.

Y/Ns mind: Is this damn phone broken or something?

He turned it on and off for a moment but the time was the same. Y/N noticed his battery was kind of low but he couldn't see so he turned on his phone's flashlight.

The are was illuminated slightly and Y/N noticed he was in some kind of concrete area, it looked like an underground parking garage.

Y/N began clearing the area trying to find a way out, but he noticed blood. Blood and scraps of flesh and blackened splinters of bone everywhere.

He kept walking trying to find an edit as he brandished his knife for protection. He looked around as he crossed a corner.

He peaked around to see just more darkness, but it seemed to be thicker, his light only penetrates a few feet in front of him now.

Y/N heard a crackle of an audio system coming to life, it sounded old and Y/N noticed multiple sirens in the top corners of the walls.

"If you see someone who looks identical to you, run away and hide"

Y/N did not like the sound of that as he looked around. Then he looked back into the darkness and saw something walk over.

It was him, but his left arm had clearly been removed and replaced with a flamethrower, the right arm being replaced by a crab like claw. The connection areas were severely infected and looked as if the flamethrower and claw had simply been shoved in.

His face was melting into a black Ooze, a white glowing mouth and eyes could be seen through it. The rest of his body had many wounds in it and his only hand was missing 2 fingers. He had a small collar on, its small light shut off for a moment and whatever this was spoke.

???: The day I came, your men sought death. But they didn't find it. The false gods gave them fake mercy. Your are a shepherd who has been decieved. But I won't decieve you.

Whatever this was ran at Y/N as it howled, it was about to jump at him but his collar light turned back on and he froze. Someone walked out of the darkness behind him.

???: Sorry, that collar sometimes shuts off and he gets a little free will.

Y/N just looked confused as the TV Woman spoke.

TV Woman: right, this is probably awkward, let's start with some introductions. My name is Ivy.

Y/N: Y/N.

Ivy: You're in the Demon world. We tried to pull you here to form an alliance but we accidentally put you underground. I sent Gabriel here to find you.

Y/N: What is that?

Ivy: You.

Y/N: How'd I become that?

Ivy: No clue, that's how you came out of the bunker. I can tell you one thing you're the cuter one.

Y/N ignored that last part.

Y/N: Is he...?

Ivy: Controlled. Yep, he came out spouting about false gods or something then attacked us when we tried to calmly put him back in the bunker. So we controlled him and began calling him Mandela, after the place we're we finally took the little shit down.

Y/N: Oh. Fair enough...I guess. Can we get outta here?

Ivy: Sure. One second.

Ivy grabbed Y/N and teleported back with him and Mandela. They appeared in what seemed like a Post Apocalyptic town. The earth was scorched and everything.

(Imagine Diamond City from Fallout 4 but a bit more futuristic)

Ivy: This is what's left of our headquarters. You'll see the titans soon enough they just need to arrive.

Y/N nodded.

Y/N: What happened?

Ivy: There was something wrong with the virus here. The Skibidi mutated much more than they did here. And they became monsters. We were hit back so hard.

Ivy began giggling to herself.

Ivy: So we had to match how fucked they were!

She began laughing as Y/N didn't get why she was but she then tapped his shoulder.

Ivy: We've been holding them off just fine, so we decided to help you fellas out. No need to thank us.

Y/N nodded as she then led him into a larger shack, it seemed a little more comfy that the rest.

Ivy: This is the leaders shack. It's where I stay. You'll probably notice another 2 of these.

Y/N: Why have I been led here?

Ivy: Because I'm gonna be helping you with a personal issue as well~

Ivy pushed Y/N on the bed, Y/N tried to get up but she pinned him to the bed by the hood using one of her blades.

Ivy just smirked as she sat on his crotch.


Sylvee woke up and noticed Y/N wasn't there anymore. She looked confused as her screen lit up green for a moment.

"Checking cameras"

Sylvee: He was teleported away?

Final Descendant - Skibidi Toilet Harem X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now