Chapter 55

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Multiple bases destroyed. Multiple titans reduced to an inch of their lives. Universe 1 is lost. Time for it to be abandoned. The Skibidi had won for now.

Y/N sat on a guards tower with a few bandages on him, all he had on was his jetpack. Apparently his suit was being salvaged for its astro and glitch drive. So it could be put in a new suit. One that's said to be unbreakable.

Y/N looks tired. He hasn't slept in days. Hes helped construct the many portal gates behind him where agents of various kinds. Many he had never seen before, from Phone men to Magnet Men, they and their titans walked through looking gloomy.

Y/Ns phone went off as he pulled it out. He looked at the contact, it was a familiar number. One he didn't recognise. He answered it confused and brought it up to his here, perhaps this conversation could bring his mind off of a few things.

He answered it and heard an unfamiliar feminine voice.

???: You doing good?

Y/N: Who is this?

???: Oh right, names Sunny. I'm that large TV Woman you've seen around. Sylvee asked me to check in on you. So I decided to call you first, and also modify my voice module so I can speak normally.

Y/N: Tell her I'm doing fine.

Y/N simply leaned back and sighed. Then he yawned slightly.

Sunny: You don't sound fine, besides, Sylvee wanted me to see you in person to make sure you weren't lying.

Y/N: Can't, busy.

Sunny: And I can't accept a no. You may be higher rank than me, but Sylvee's orders are greater than yours, so I'm going with her.

Y/N groaned.

Y/N: Where are you?

Sunny: Universe 2, mind the rubble when you get here, Universe 5 just attacked one of the checkpoints for the incoming agents.

Y/N activated his jetpack as he flew down the row of giant portals, eventually he spotted a large one which he flew into.

Y/N: Give me specific coordinates.

Sunny: Hold on.

A black mist opened up in front of Y/N and one of Sunny's TVs extended out. They wrapped around him and pulled him through as he appeared in a large outpost, agents were collecting up rubble as many tents were all set up. Though there were tons of agents just sleeping on the ground by the tents.

Y/N looked around.

Y/N: How did we let it happen?

Sunny: They made us get distracted with all the multiverse shit. Made us think we were getting stronger, then they struck.

Y/N: What do we do?

Sunny: about that. Go ask Sylvee, she has a plan for you apparently.

Y/N: where is she?

Sunny: In the big tent. Just when you come back from your gonna go, come find me.

Y/N nodded and walked over to the tent where he saw Sylvee standing, she was tapping her foot impatiently as Y/N walked in.

Y/N: You needed me?

Sylvee: Yes, come here.

Y/N obliged and walked over to Sylvee, she just simply hugged him.

Sylvee: why didn't you tell me that was a fake? I got so damn worried.

Y/N: sorry..... Didn't have time, had to deploy it basically immediately after it was made.

Sylvee: Still! It makes me not want to do this!

Y/N: Do what?

Sylvee: We need you to go to another universe, one that can match how ferocious the Skibidi are.

Y/N nodded.

Y/N: Why are you worried? I'll be safe. I'll have allies there.

Sylvee: so I can still be worried for you. Truth is, I love you.

Y/N was in shock for a moment, but then he hugged Sylvee back.

Y/N: so this is why I always got the special treatment huh?

Sylvee: Yes, yes it is. And you'll continue to get it.

Sylvee buried Y/N's face in her chest as she kept hugging him. After a few moments Y/N pulled away.

Y/N: Sorry, I couldn't breathe.

Sylvee: Better start training your lungs~

Y/N chuckled as Sylvee passed Y/N his tablet, after a moment Y/N saw a black goop slinking over to him, if extended up his body and formed his suit. He looked at Sylvee one last time before his tablet automatically teleported him away. Both exchanged a quick wave.

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