Chapter 58

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Y/N rammed through a Skibidi Strider saving a Cameraman as he and Frost and Ninja looked forward into a Skibidi base, inside was a button to stop the nuke. The 3 began running towards it but a Skibidi appeared in front of them.

Y/N wasn't really that worried as he activated Space Breaker Speed and prepared to fly into the Toilet but one of the EMP darts hit him

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Y/N wasn't really that worried as he activated Space Breaker Speed and prepared to fly into the Toilet but one of the EMP darts hit him. Y/N noticed a helicopter Skibidi in the air that fired it. Frost fired his camera lasers at the Skibidi killing it.

Y/N: I'm getting really fucking tired of these things!

The Horror Skibidi screamed before beginning to inhale everything around it. The 3 began being pulled in as Frost began teleporting away. He grabbed Ninja but failed to grab Y/N and teleported away without him. Y/N caught himself on a lamppost But his grip quickly faded and he flew towards the toilets mouth. But Reverb suddenly grabbed Y/N confusing him.

She looked as if she ran off mid repairs, all her armor was missing and she was missing her other shoulder speaker and jetpack and flamethrowers.

Y/N: Reverb?!

Reverb aimed her last blaster but it failed and shut off. She looked confused so she quickly put Y/N down, she struck the Skibidi twice before jamming her blaster in its mouth. She kicked it over before using her sound to kill it.

However a bomb inside the Skibidi went off which launched Reverb off a cliff face and Y/N into some collapsing rubble. Y/N deployed an energy shield as it all landed on him. But then Y/N expanded the energy shield launching the rubble away, Y/N went to use glitch speed but he fell back down. He checked his phone to see an alert.

"Warning, core out of energy"

Y/N: God fucking dammit.

Quartz ran over and put her hand on his chest speaker as she used her powers.

Inside of Y/Ns body his heart began speeding up as he looked confused, then he felt strong. He nodded at Quartz before zooming off, it wasn't as fast as glitch or astro speed by a mile but it was easily faster than his regular speed.

Y/N ran into the base and towards the button but he was thrown back by a energy shield suddenly appearing, he got up and pulled his chest speaker off revealing his core, he began absorbing energy from the shield trying to bring it down but the timer reached 0.

Quartz ran in as they heard rumbling. Next to Reverb the ground opened up as a nuke began raising out of the ground. Reverb began trying to push it back in but it wasn't working.

Y/N kept absorbing the shield hoping he could get threw before it launched. But then something hopped out of the ground.

He pressed the button causing the nuke to descend back down

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He pressed the button causing the nuke to descend back down.

Y/N: What the....?

Hayden walked up behind Y/N. He was missing both of his arms and his destroyed mech could be seen outside.

Hayden: It's you! How the fuck did you dig from the first base to here!?

Y/N: Huh?

Quartz: When we saved Titan Camerawoman.

Y/N spun back also shocked. The shield went down as the Drillman walked over. He shook Y/Ns hand.

Drillman: The names Reece.


Back at Alt Y/Ns base he was now out of the vat. He was shirtless and only had a pair of shorts on exposing his torso and his right arm and leg, the foot and hand prosthetic being attached at the wrist. In his back was an implant that connected him up to a group of servers around himself, on his chest was an implant with a pitch black core. He looked on a tablet to see an image of Dina and Asmodeus.

Alt Y/N: Damn, those guys outdid themse-

A person walked in the room causing Alt Y/N to stop with themselves. Alt Y/N turned around and saw DaFuqBoom.

Alt Y/N: What now Boom? And also, stop walking in unannounced I don't have time to get the Skibidi out and I'm tired of killing witnesses!

DafuqBoom: You've seen the situation, and you're right, they outdid themselves. But if we stick to the plan, we can make the Skibidi win.

Alt Y/N: Whatever.

DaFuqBoom: Iso and Elite are currently trying to convince the G-Men to put the chip in. It's disguised as an anti parasite node. Your part comes up.

Alt Y/N: Yeah I know. But G-Man, my G-Man, you leave the chip out of him, I want an actual node put him in.

DaFuqBoom: You do not get to tell me what I can't do with my own plans.

Alt Y/N: And if you want your allies to stay loyal you respect them!

Alt Y/Ns core began spinning as he formed 2 black balls of energy in his hands.

DaFuqBoom: And you would know that from experience wouldn't you.

This seemed to strike a nerve with Alt Y/M and he threw the energy balls at DaFuqBoom but they switched colours to green and struck Alt Y/N and sent him flying back. He hit the wall as he grunted in pain. DaFuqBoom walked over.

DaFuqBoom: You are not the boss here. Consider yourself lucky I haven't just killed you.

Final Descendant - Skibidi Toilet Harem X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now