Chapter 50

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Were shown a young Frost and Alt Y/N, alt Y/N has his limbs as well and seems completely sane and injured.

"I was the first Cameraman to come along, and there were still a few humans left, so I helped them out"

It cuts to Alt Y/N and Frost fighting the Skibidi.

"We became fast friends quickly and were a deadly duo, I don't think he got in the bunker like you did"

It nexts to cut to Alt Y/N standing next to a mass grave as Frost comforts him.

"But then the humans lost, and he was the only one left, I was there for him"

Next it's Alt Y/N getting registered into Universe 5s alliance.

"I helped him get in the Alliance, he had something new to fight for"

Were next shown multiple scenery, such as Alt Y/N giving himself upgrades, which helped assist Titan TV Woman 5 in her fight against Titan Speakerwoman 5, they end up curing her.

"He changed quite a few events with his skills"

The scene quickly cuts to a dark one, Titan Speakerwoman getting re-infected after Alt Y/N upgraded her, her using those upgrades to ger Titan Camerawoman infected as well. And the moment Alt Y/N got left behind.

"I was told he just betrayed us, but I didn't believe that, so I did some digging and found the truth out, so I went to confront our version of Sylvee"

The next scene was Frost and her in a shouting match.

"She called in Alice and our speaker leader and they tried to kill me so I wouldn't speak out, but I easily took them down and escaped, you know the rest"

(Flashback End)

Y/N: I have to say-

Frost: I know he's dead. I don't blame you. I would have done the same, but I have nothing to do anymore, since I devoted myself to reconciling with him. So I wanted to find you so I can ask to join you guys, since my alliance joined the Skibidi.

Y/N: Sure.

Frost: thank you.

There was silence for a moment.

Frost: Sorry about your gear by the way, I wanted to make sure you weren't gear, he has a very specific combat style that you don't have.

Y/N: It's fine I got spares.

They were interrupted by Titan Speakerwoman 5 appearing.

Y/N: You know how you suggested going back to base? I accept!

Y/N quickly teleported the 2 away as the titan fired repeatedly into their area, when the smoke cleared she started screaming in frustration when she saw no bodies.

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