Chapter 19

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Hayden was running towards the bunker entrance in his mech suit but it shut far before he even reached there. He looked back to see the Missile G-Man Clone firing his missile at Titan TV Woman but she took no damage and just fired a core beam at him sending him flying to the ground.

She turned around but the Laser Clone fired all his lasers into her core, but she only absorbed the energy making him panic. TTW twitched as her head popped off, 2 purple laser cannons extended from the back of the TV which fired at the Laser Clone making him flee. However her body was still struck by multiple missiles by random Helicopter Skibidi. Her shoulder TVs popped off as they fired small explosive bullets and advanced towards the missile Skibidi. The missile clone had gotten back up and fired again as TTW's headless body just tackled him to the ground, killing him.

Her main head used its red light on the Laser Clone making it blow up in flames. Own of her shoulder TVs were using an orange light on one Rocket Skibidi which made it burst into flames as another used the Hypno light making the rocket Skibidi fly into its burning comrade.

A large parasite attempted to infect the titan from her neck stump but it suddenly burst into flames as purple sparks enveloped it. It fell off dead as all the TVs returned.

She turned around to see the 2 other titans restraining the Buzzsaws clone. They let it go as it slashed at TSW angrily before locking onto TTW and smiling angrily as it ground its teeth.

However TTW just raised her arm as it disappeared into the black smoke. It raised itself behind the Buzzsaw clone and cut off his Buzzsaws before stabbing him in the head. TCW gave a thumbs up and TSW bashed her fist against her chest a few times. She did a ":3" back as Hayden was relieved.

He suddenly heard the Skibidi chant as a normal Skibidi headed towards him. However before he could attack it the Large TV Woman appeared and slammed it into the ground.

Large TV Woman: .pu kcuf eht tuhS

Hayden: Thanks, I'm gonna teleport into the bunker now.

Large TV Woman: .hctaw ew tsriF

She posted towards her screen as it connected to Y/Ns chest camera, it showed the bunker squad taking out multiple Skibidi by stabbing them, snapping their necks, stun guns etc.

The Hacker Cameraman opened another door with a small remote in his hand, it arked green electricity to the control panel and made it open.

Inside were multiple Skibidi Scientists.

Tjey all began freaking out and chanting the song as Y/N flew bus plunger at one before vaulting over him and flushing him

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Tjey all began freaking out and chanting the song as Y/N flew bus plunger at one before vaulting over him and flushing him. He fired his railgun twice as white energy balls came out of it which obliterated 3 more Scientists.

He looked over and saw Hacker Cameraman opening an elevator, that's when Y/N finally noticed the remote.

Y/N: Cool device, how'd you make it?

Hacker Cameramen: Uhh- Well- I didnt-

They were interrupted by a construction claw extended from down the hallway and grabbing a crate and pulling it back. They also heard the song as Y/N walked over with the Large Cameraman who had a missile launcher. They looked inside to see multiple Large Skibidi on a conveyor belt, and multiple Skibidi were grabbing acid barrels and putting them on them.

 They looked inside to see multiple Large Skibidi on a conveyor belt, and multiple Skibidi were grabbing acid barrels and putting them on them

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They looked confused until an alarm went off along with an intercom

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They looked confused until an alarm went off along with an intercom. They looked down at a booth and saw 2 Skibidi who had noticed them. The Skibidi alerted the construction Skibidi as they rose up ready to kill. But the Large Cameraman fired a missile which made a part of the roof fall distracting the mask Skibidi. Hacker Cameraman began closing the door as the other Skibidi tried holding it open. But another rocket sent it back and let the door close. Everyone began running back to the elevator as another Skibidi appeared at the end of the hallway.

Y/N was able to jump into the elevator with everyone else except the Large Cameraman, who was unfortunately hit by a laser

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Y/N was able to jump into the elevator with everyone else except the Large Cameraman, who was unfortunately hit by a laser. The Skibidi tried forcing the door open but he was pushed back by multiple explosive darts. The elevator began moving down as Y/N checked on the large Cameraman. He was in bad shape, his left side was basically gone. He held his hand up before pulling his lens off and giving it to Y/N, then he stopped moving. Y/N clipped it into his belt not sure of what to do with it, but he could probably find a use for it.

He slammed his plunger into his hand as they got to the bottom floor.

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