Chapter 36

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Alt Y/N was thrown back by Y/N as the Glitch Car smashed into him. He shifted his arm into a cannon and fired a yellow energy ball at the Glitch Car freezing it.

Y/N jumped and tackled him as he fired his railgun into Alt Y/N's arm, a light blue energy blast froze it, trapping it to the ground.

Alt Y/N shifted his leg into a spike and tried to stab Y/N but he pushed it to the side and punched Alt Y/N multiple times in the face.

Alt Y/N fired a laser out of his eye which launched Y/N back. He broke his arm free and ran over to Y/N, he struck Y/N in the stomach but Y/N caught his next punch, he threw Alt Y/N to the side before throwing his wrist watch at the Glitch Car, it unfroze and automatically struck Alt Y/N again.

Y/N jumped into it and used his speakers causing Alt Y/Ns prosthetics to falter and glitch as he stumbled.

He went to teleport away but Y/N rammed into him as he did and went with him. They appeared in the Skibidi main base as Y/N took him into the sky.

Y/N looked around for a moment and noticed it looked like a worn down city with giant concrete walls surrounding it.

Y/N rammed into Alt Y/N multiple times but a missile hit the Glitch Mobile causing it to spin slightly. Y/N quickly diverted and blew up a missile launcher Skibidi.

He spun around and went to strike Alt Y/N again but he caught the Glitch Car by its arms.

Alt Y/N: Look at all this. Your right above our main base, even if you defeat me, maybe even kill me, you'll still be killed yourself. Who knows, maybe we'll infect you, you'll kill your Sylvee like I killed mine.

Y/N: You did it?!

Alt Y/N: Damn right I did! It was great! But truthfully, I don't have anything to live for now. I have nothing to lose, I don't have to hold back, but you do have to. You have things.

Y/N: What are you getting at?

Alt Y/N: Your stuck. If you stop holding back and kill me, the Alliance here and Skibidi will both hate you, you'll be in so much damn danger. So will Quartz.

Alt Y/N chuckled as Y/N looked slightly scared.

Alt Y/N: But if you spare me, what's stopping me from going to Quartz, and ripping her head off. You can't stay around her forever, you'll have to do missions and leave her side eventually.

Y/N began panicking slightly as he realised he was right, but he had to pick one, so he cleared his head.

Y/N: Killing you is a risk I'll have to take.

Y/N extended his drills from his back and stabbed Alt Y/N though the stomach, he didn't even react as they went through his torso entirely.

Alt Y/N: So you aren't a complete pussy. You had it in you to take a human life. Skibidi feel different don't they, they don't feel human, it's less of an issue to kill them. But I must have been hard right.

Y/N: I was gonna try and get you back on the Alliance, and I had bad options, so yes it was. But this is war.

Alt Y/N: It's exactly what I said to myself before accepting I was a terrible person. Were similar in ways more than just DNA. But before my intestines fall out the sky. 2 things. I can't feel any of this! The flames destroyed my nerves!

Y/N: And the second?

Alt Y/N: Behind you.

Y/N looked behind himself as Alt Y/N took himself off the drills and fell to the city below.

Y/N looked in horror as a shit ton of parasites flew towards him. Y/N tried to flee through by flying over the walls but a massive energy shield appeared trapping him inside as a blaring alarm began playing.

Y/N was trapped.

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