Y/Ns new suit

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-Bodysuit: Kevlar body suit with various attachment ports.

-New Mk 3 Rifle: They can fire Cryo, acid and energy darts. They can also fire explosive nails. The top has a slot where a serrated blade can come down. They can fire like G-Mans laser cannons, TCWs railgun and TSWs energy blasters.

-Gloves: Kevlar gloves that have small brass knuckles built into them.

-Watch: Small watch hidden under the sleeves, protects against Clock men abilities.

-Shoulder armor: Titanium armor for the shoulder, the white circle can deploy a small energy shield. Mk 2 Mini shoulder Speakers are attached.

-Mk 3 Mini Core: Small Core under the chest speakers, it can fire a core laser, fire and beam, though this won't really be used unless the front speaker is destroyed.

-Chest Speaker: Mk 2 Mini chest speaker that protects the core.

-Chest Camera: Camera built into the main speaker, live streams what it records.

-Body Fridge: Small fridge that protects the stomach, it provides cooling for the various systems in the suit.

-Body Shield Projectors: Small projectors either side of the Body Fridge that project energy shields.

-Belt: Kevlar belt that holds a knife and various pouches. These pouches hold things varying from rations to small repair kits, first aid kits, a knife, a small pistol, ammo and fuel for his rifle.

-Knee Speaker Armor: Titanium Knee pads with Mk 2 Mini Speakers attached to them.

-Boots: Kevlar Boots with small jetpacks in the soles, they also allow Y/N to slide around like Skibidi.

-Shoulder lasers: small lasers on the shoulder.

-Ear lasers: Small lasers on the ear that act as earplugs as well.

-Glasses: Protects against light attacks but it can also analyse and communicate with allies, it can also project videos.

-Jetpack: Mk 3 Mini Jetpack that's on the back, has a small dock for the extendable weapons.

-Extendable Weapons: Various weapons attached to the jetpack dock by tentacles. Weapons include gravity guns, rifles, lasers, blasters, TVs, microphones, saws and drills.

-Glitch Speed: Built in glitch speed that allows for fast travel.

-Astro Speed: Built in Astro Speed that allows for fast travel.

-Space Breaker Speed: By fusing Astro and Glitch speed, this can be achieved, however it very quickly overheats the suit, even with the fridge on full blast.

-Computer Weapons: Ability to download various weapons.

-Body shock: The suit can be electrified to shock melee attackers and restart Y/Ns heart if the need arises.

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