Chapter 25

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Sam, Alex and Sylvee were walking through a Skibidi base. 2 Skibidi approached and Sam extended her gun out from her back and fired it at them killing them.

A Large Skibidi tried to attack them from behind but Alex jumped up and began stabbing it as a hypnotised Strider ran into it. Sylvee's head flew out of the explosion with Alex holding onto it.

Hayden and Ninja walked out from a hallway.

Hayden: Any luck miss?

Sam: None at all. There's no sign of him.

Ninja: They'll probably have him trapped somewhere hidden, just walking through the hallways probably won't do anything.

???: It just gives me a clean shot.

A yellow blink of energy destroyed one of the arms on Hayden's mech suit as Alex jumped down to dodge another strike. This was clearly glitch speed.

It's user and landed and revealed itself.

(You can look different remember, i only drew him in the outfit so it can be seen what it looks like)

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(You can look different remember, i only drew him in the outfit so it can be seen what it looks like)

Sam looked horrified thinking this was Y/N. Which it was, but another Y/N from another place and time.

Alex: Y/N?? What happened to you?!

Alt Y/N: You lot would know, in another place and time.

Ninja: The fuck does that mean?

Alt Y/N: I'm pretty the Y/N your after is fine and alive. But my version of you lot needs to die. Especially her!

The alternate Y/N shot his hand at Sylvee. He then chuckled and began floating as he prepared glitch speed.

Alt Y/N: But I should probably get some practice. You lot would be perfect.

He zoomed at Hayden first and tackled him through a wall. He extended multiple energy spikes from his knuckles as punched and stabbed at the mech suit, he went for Hayden's neck but Ninja caught up and stabbed him in the arm. Alt Y/N stumbled back as he was shocked slightly.

He spun around and his left eye plates retracted as the eye shot out a orange light which Ninja to spark slightly. Alt Y/N powered up glitch speed and kicked him away with it.

Alt Y/N turned over to Sam and began running as he shifted his left arm into a blade. She fired at him but he deployed an energy shield from his eye. When he got close enough he bashed Sam with it before pulling head down.

He ripped off her gun as Sylvee's head tried to fly over and control him but he stabbed her screen with the gun. The entire right side of her screen broke as it returned to her body. Alex tried to stab Alt Y/N.

Alex: Your not him! Y/N would never do this!

Alt Y/N: I already said that dumb bitch.

Alt Y/N grabbed Alex and slammed her into the ground but Hayden quickly ran over and restrained him. Though 2 Buzzsaws extended from Alt Y/Ns back and slashed at the control panel of Hayden's mech, destroying it. He took out the Mechs legs using glitch speed then turns back around and used a Yellow core flame.

Alex began trying to put him in a chokehold and partially succeeded as Ninja ran at him with a knife. But Alt Y/Ns prosthetic began glowing as as he fired a laser at Ninja sending him away.

He elbowed Alex in the gut but Sam then punched him in the face. But Alt Y/M grabbed her by the camera and threw her into Alex sending both back.

He walked over to Sylvee who was trying to use any kind of light. She was the last one up.

Alt Y/N: Don't even try, the prosthetic protects my brain from its effects.

Sylvee: Please! We aren't the ones who did whatever to you!

Alt Y/N: You were the same people for a while, you have the capabilities to do it again.

Alt Y/N ripped Sylvee's head off as he held it by the claw as it tried to fly off. He shifted his arm into a cannon and fired a yellow projectile freezing Sylvee's body.

Alt Y/N: Take it like this, I'm protecting your Y/N from you, that's what you want right? You want him safe and happy right? Well those are the lies I was fed!

He seemed angry for a moment as he ground his teeth.

Alt Y/N: But before I kill you. I'll tell you the story behind all this.


It was the battle between the infected Titan Speakerwoman and Titan Camerawoman, but things hadn't gone as well.

TCW didn't notice the parasite and became infected herself, and the 2 were rampaging.

Alt Y/N crawled across the battlefield. He was missing his left leg, arm and eye. His right foot and hand were also gone. He was wincing in pain at every movement.

Sylvee landed in front of him and Alt Y/N held out the stump.

Alt Y/N: H-Help....

Sylvee was about to grab his hand then a wave of Skibidi appeared and she teleported, leaving him behind. Alt Y/N passed out from blood loss.

He awoke in a tank, multiple tubes were attached to him keeping him alive. Many Scientist Skibidi were around the tank as the Scientist himself looked directly at Alt Y/N.

The Scientist spoke, and Alt Y/N could understand him for some reason.

Scientist: He's hooked up to a speaker set, let's see if we can get any brain activity out of him first, then if not, we'll put a parasite on him.

Alt Y/N remembered everything that had happened, and he was angry.

Alt Y/N: You won't need a parasite, the Alliance will after what they did to me.

The Scientist was surprised, but then he chuckled.

Scientist: Perfect.

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