Chapter 21

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Y/N kicked a Skibidi Scientist in the face before blowing him up with his railgun. They walked over to a metal door as Hacker Cameraman tried to force the door open. However frost began to appear on it as it then blew up making everyone stumble back slightly, they looked forward and saw  a Fridge Strider close its doors with multiple Fridgemen around it.

One walked over and gave Y/N a backpack that had new sunglasses and headphones, along with a small shotgun and one of the freeze guns they carried. A fridge Man took Y/Ns arm suddenly and put a tiny light blue barrel on his railgun.

Fridgeman: You can fire cryo based projectiles now. We hope it comes in handy.

Y/N: Probably will, thanks. You guys new?

Fridgeman: Yes, just made our entrance. Now then, if you wish to find the Scientist continue down the hallway you planned to originally. G-Man will be getting distracted by our Titans.

Y/N: Understood.

Y/N turned around and went into the original tunnel and back down as he saw a small green glow. Hacker Cameraman seemed to get way more nervous but no one noticed it.

They continued down the hallway until they came across a door. Hacker hesitated to open the door so Ninja forced the remote out of his hands again and forced the door open. They spotted the 2 guard Skibidis though with Y/Ns new cryo function they froze the weapons then easily killed them.

They hacked the next door as they saw the Scientist, who was trying to upgrade himself, though it was only half done. He prepared his weapons though someone appeared in front of him.

 He prepared his weapons though someone appeared in front of him

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???: You aren't supposed to win this. And I'll make sure of it. Hacker, get over here.

Hacker suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed Ninja's hand as he took the remote back. He moved beside this strange man as they teleported away with the Scientist in a green flash. Then they heard a beeping sound.

Everyone got down the moment they realised it was the sound of explosives as the room caved in. But luckily, Ninja and Y/N survived by going under the metal door frame. They saw a shiver of light began climbing between the rubble until Hayden pulled them both out. They looked back and saw G-Man surrounded by the titans. He looked scared but immediately fired at Titan TV Woman but her cored deployed a giant shield as she began advancing.

Titan Fridgewoman fired her lasers cannons at G-Man and they left behind small trails of frost as Titan Speakerwoman fired multiple ice projectiles from her blaster.

G-Man spun 2 of his blasters around and went to fire at the titans but Titan Camerawoman fired her lasers at him stunning him and allowing for one of of TTW's claws to stab his left ear laser destroying it. She fired her core beam which knocked G-Man back as TSW fired a cryo blast at one of his thrusters and froze it for a moment. TFW them pulled out her blades and cut one of them off as she ripped the other off, limiting G-Man to only 2 thrusters.

He turned around to fire his lasers at TFW but TCW flew into him and tackles him slightly as she shot core fire at him. She jumped off G-Man as he struck a mountain wall but he was mostly fine. TSW fired a regular energy blast at G-Man destroying his headphones. She then shot her sounds at him as his glasses began to crack, though his core quickly shot a yellow laser at her sending her back, but multiple missiles shot out the smoke and they hit his core freezing it and scaring him. TFW went to cut the core off with one of her blades but G-Man fired at her and launched her back, though the lasers seemed less powerful.

TTW fired another core beam at him, destroying his glasses and making him try and flee as she detached her main head, it teleported in front of him and began using the red light as her arm extended from the smoke and cut off his last 2 thrusters. He was able to fight through it slightly and he began charging his lasers up as his core thawed out but TCW fired her lasers destroying his left cannons and armor.

G-Man fired his core laser and his right lasers sending the head back as TTW tried to finish him off with a stab to the head. But a strange portal opened up behind him and multiple claws reached out and pulled him in.

A portal opened up behind Y/N and pulled him in as well. Hayden and Ninja seemed shocked as Hayden radioed the leaders.

Hayden: Miss, we may have a problem.


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