Part 4 Chapter 9

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Day  before their meeting

Third Person PoV

The first years just arrived back to the school last night and the news that will be spread will surely cause an uproar to them especially the Class-D.

Kushida Kikyo a student from Class 1-D is going to be expelled from the ANHS. Not even reaching the second semester she was expelled, but to the faculty and other older students this is no surprise. Hearing an expulsion from Class-D is just normal to them as the Class-D is labeled as the defective class according to the school hierarchy.

8:00am in the morning a message was sent to the whole 1st years a message that Class 1-D's Kushida Kikyo is gong to be expelled. By this time Kushida was now awake at her dorm when she receive multiple messages from Chabashira, Student Council President and the announcement which all have the same topic, her expulsion.

Kushida Kikyo can't comprehend the fate bestowed upon her. 

"T-this can't be..." Her face have an expression that can't even be describe.

She can't believe the reality and started to message Ayanokoji.

"M-maybe he has some countermeasure for this. R-right?" She comforted herself with a positive thinking.

No. It is wrong to say that she can't believe the reality because it's not that she can't face it rather she doesn't want to face the reality that she was going to be expelled.

She quickly sends a barrage of message to Ayanokoji but she didn't get even a single reply.

"Why isn't he replying?!"

Ayanokoji's room

"Zzzz....." The man in question was sleeping the tiring events that he had to handle.


Half hour had passed and she still didn't get a reply and the reality that she wants to escape from had already grasped her tightly.

"D-damn it!" Kushida was now a mess in her room. 

She still hasn't replied to Chabashira sensei who has asked her to go to the faculty. She don't want because she still thought that she can escape this predicament

What she doesn't know is that her choices will be a huge mistake.

 A message was notified from her phone, it was from Chabashira. 

-Come to the faculty at once or else we will be the one to move.-

Kushida was now scared. She wanted to go out the room but people will surely be eyeing her.

"What should I do?" She was now scared thinking of a way out.

While she was contemplating a knock was heard from her door.

Her mind was in shambles not knowing who knocked on the door, she first see who it was on the peephole. She saw few of her classmates in the door. She knew that if she were to open the door her classmates will be asking her question and will be a nuisance to her.

"This damn assholes! Don't they have anything better to do?"

After a few minutes her classmates left suddenly. Kushida was relieved but she was also confused why they left so quick.

-Kushida. Go to the faculty within 15 minutes.-

A message came from Chabashira again. This time she was set on a timer.

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