Part 2 Chapter 1

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Today is the day the Class-D is going to receive their private points since the day they enter school they only have 81 Class Points so they will only have 8100 points but it's better than nothing.

Class points:

CLASS-A - 1080CP




They were down by an overwhelming gap but things in Class-D isn't going to be same as three students will be a so called 'leaders of Class-D.' but in reality they are just a tool for Ayanokōji.

Chabashira arrived the classroom and stands in the podium.

"Have you guys receive your points?"

"Not yet sensei."

Ike answered.

"You'll be receiving it tomorrow because of systematic failure."

"What? There should be at least a compensation for that."

Ike said looking disappointed as he really needed points.

"So then let's start class."


Their class went well as expected  there's no more violation happen in the whole day.

Ayanokōji is now at the cafe with Horikita, Kushida, and Hirata, he was not the one who called for meeting it was Hirata.

"Sorry for calling you guys."

He apologize but everyone is okay with it.

"So what is it?"

Horikita ask about the topic.

"When are taking actions against Class-B?"

"We have to unite the class first."

Ayanokōji answered quickly.


"We can do it tomorrow."

"How exactly?"

Kushida can't keep up with them so she ask a question.

"Should I explain it now?"

"Yeah I'd be better if we know it as early as possible."

'they are so cooperative.'

"Then Horikita talk to Sudo alone tomorrow and apologize to him and Ike, Kushida apologize to the others who were there when you talk about getting to Class-A and just go with the flow, Hirata just as you always do, however as I said last time we won't be going easy to them, if they don't really want to cooperate then we will threaten to not help them if they got into a risky situation.

Hirata and Kushida that rule is especially for both you because you two are too soft to our classmates. Finally you three will state the leadership thing."

They all agreed to do their job tomorrow, they don't even look nervous.

After they finish their talk, they all went back to their rooms.


Kiyotaka POV

Horikita, Kushida, and Hirata seem to easy to control because they all have the same goal in their mind.

There's just one thing I'm kind of unsure it's about Hirata. Hirata is a good looking, well mannered student, with good leadership qualities what made him belong in Class-D? He is a Class-A material, I think I should keep an eye on him, he's hiding something that's for sure.

I wonder how Sakayanagi's dealing with Ryūen, she still hasn't made a move against Class-C.

This is not what I came here for but having this kind of experience is fine besides this fight will not last that long however Nagumo who is just waiting for Horikita-senpai to graduate.

"What a pain."


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