Part 4 Chapter 8

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Ayanokoji's PoV

Being in the cruise was both comfortable and uncomfortable, Well maybe it was the people in the cruise is what gave me those feeling. 

It's been 2 days since we finish the cruise ship reward given to us and I must say it was a much different experience than what I imagined, not that I don't like it, it's just very tiring with everything that transpired there.

"Ah right... I have a meeting at 6:00am." 

I still have 1 hour, I should start getting ready. My meeting will be more unusual than any meeting I've ever had with, the reason with that is the people I'll be meeting and the reason of the meeting.

Nagumo and his friends, Kiryuin-senpai although she's still not sure because she's a little lazy to wake up that early, The president and her secretary, lastly me and Sakayanagi. After the little event that happened in the cruise,  we never got the chance to interact with each other, I guess she's still mad but I highly doubt that. Also that little event that happened is the reason for this meeting. 

I'm now at the office of the student council 10 minutes earlier than the supposed time for the meeting however I was not the first to arrive.

"My my~ you're quite the early Ayanokoji-kun, are you excited to see me?" Kiryuin-senpai was already here with Horikita Manabu and Akane Tachibana.

"I just got nothing better to do." I replied and I took the seat beside Kiryuin-senpai since she wants me to.

"Ayanokoji, it seems like you've done well in the island exam though you lost quite horrendously in the zodiac exam." Horikita Manabu talked to me with an amused look.

"Your sister was the one who brought the class together to victory." 

"Whatever you say." He quickly dismissed knowing I won't answer truthfully.

Sakayanagi arrived followed by Nagumo's group of 4 people, Sakayanagi is still acting the same as she was last time, I guess she's still angry.

"Ayanokoji. Care to explain why you weren't the one to expel Kushida?" Nagumo said sitting across from where I sit.

"That's why we have this meeting." I replied.

"Now that everyone is present, we will now commence the meeting." The president said.

"The Class 1-D have an incident causing the first expulsion of their year and having their Class Points drop to 0 once again." Tachibana expressed as she gives out a paper that had the contents of the detailed punishment for our class and why it was given.

"This somewhat normal than I expected." Kiryuin-senpai looked at the paper with boring look.

"Your right thought it's just the right thing since nothing much can be done to them." Nagumo said with a condenscending tone.

"Then we shall proceed on the next topic. Ayanokoji are you sure that you will unveil as to why you did this?" Manabu said looking at me with his sharp piercing gaze.

His gaze may be considered scary for others but to me, I only see it as he's very entertained at me. That's just my opinion though.

"I'm sure."

"Then you can start"

With his words, everyone's attention was now on me. This is making me nervous.

"I was the one who reported it making so I'm the one to blame for her expulsion, I don't understand Nagumo's question earlier because I'm the one who made it happen and Sakayanagi is just the one who instigated the little incident in the cruise but she did it for a price." This should be enough.

Kiryuin-senpai is smirking with the explanation I just did.

"However I wasn't able to keep my end of the deal with Kiryuin-senpai. I'm willing to give back her 5 million private points for that." That's right I wasn't able to win the second special exam due to interference of the two classes.

"My~ Ayanokoji, you're really a respectable kouhai." Kiryuin-senpai leans back with her grin turns into a big one.

"I just did what was right since I wasn't able to accomplish your challenge."

"I was really shock about that. What did happen back there?"

"It was because Class-B and C Conspired to win the exam." Sakayanagi answered before I do.

"Hmm... That is interesting. That would be a reasonable excuse." Kiryuin said with her eyes closed, looks like she's contemplating.

"Fuka Kiryuin-senpai, is it possible to know the details about your deal with Ayanokoji-kun?" Sakayangi asks. I don't know why, I feel like the tension is slowly rising.

"I suppose you could know it since you're here. The deal was just 5 million private points for one day with him and he must also win the two special exams however with what happen the deal is now broken. But I just thought of something far more better." She said looking at Sakayanagi very intensely with her grin though Sakayanagi was unfazed her eyes was looking sharp too.

"Ayanokoji can keep the private points but it will be 3 days and get revenge on the two class. Is that too much?" Kiryuin turning her attetntion to me ask the question.

I suppose this is just fair since I wasn't able to keep my end of the bargain. Still how is she still asking me to get a revenge when I wasn't able to stand a chance against the two class combined strength.

"I think it will be enough." an answer came from someone. That is Horikita Manabu.

"Oho~ President is really interested in Ayanokoji?"

"You can say that, also the upcoming event will be perfect to do it." The president was smiling a little.

"Ah I see." Kiryuin-senpai was now satisfied getting what she want. Entertainment.

Sakayanagi was intently staring at me. Is she trying to kill me with that look? I should really settle some things with her to clear up the tension between us, I like it much better when we are on good terms.

"Ayanokoji. What happen with your classmates when they learned about the expulsion?" Nagumo asks.

"It was a reaction that is expected to happen for seeing a classmate they admired get expelled but some are indifferent." Horikita seemed to be the only that recovered with what happen 2 days ago while Hirata was lost.

"Hmm... well that might change soon. Who knows maybe in the future everyone will be used to it when they see a lot of your classmate go." Nagumo leaves a very interesting remark and declaration of battle to me. He stood up and left with his group.

The president was gazing at Nagumo's back with somewhat disappointed look.

"This meeting is concluded so I'll be taking my leave here with Ayanokoji." Kiryuin said.

Oh no. This timing is worse, I can't declined her. Sakayanagi was priority after this but the deal is more important.

"I'll follow just give me 10 minutes senpai." I said and she just waved her hand while leaving. I think she agreed.

"Sakayanagi let's go." I offered her a hand to stand up.

Fortunately she took it but her look was so cold.

In the end we didn't get to talk about something important since she pushed me away saying, I should go to my beloved senpai? I don't get why it was like that. I just then spend the day with Kiryuin-senpai. We went to Keyaki Mall to help her buy groceries and we also went to Pallet Cafe, after that we just walk around while talking about some things. It was fun to spend time like that but I was still thinking as to why Sakayanagi was being like that. 

We went home before 7pm, it was tiring to walk around for that long but it was also relaxing to spend time doing things like that. However...

"I have yet to experience some things to completely understand these people."

Hope you like it! Happy New Year and hope good things will happen to all of us this year!

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