Part 3 Chapter 1

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Ayanokōji POV

The endless ocean.The infinite blue skies. The perfectly clean air. Here in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, we didn't feel the intense midsummer heat, and gentle breeze kissed our body. Yes, this really was an oceanic paradise.

We finished our end-of-term test without any expulsion, we 1st year students from Class-D to Class-A received a 2 week cruising on a high luxury liner, everything here is high quality and this ship is really massive.

This is my first time being in a ship like this and right I'm leaning on the railings of the ship watching the fishes in the ocean it's really relaxing after everything that happened but spending my summer in the dorms is still fine.

"Ayanokōji-kun you enjoy watching the scenery?"

Kushida also leaned beside me, her chest is touching the railing, she's a little close so I decided to not lean on the railing and stand straight.

"I'm going." I said as I started walking.

"Ayanokōji-kun where are you going?" She asks.

"To my room."

"....." She didn't replied, I don't know why because I didn't look back at her and continue walking.

I passed by the pool and I was stopped by Ike and Yamauchi, Sudo isn't with them he was racing with Kōenji.

"Ayanokōji-kun we need something from you." Ike said looking serious.

"What is it?" I said as I normally would.

"Let's go here." I followed him until he stops we ended on a place it was the three of us.

"What is you relationship with Kushida-chan?" Ike asked me.

"Yeah what is Kushida-chan to you?" Yamauchi followed up his question.

I hate this, Kushida really doesn't listen and keep approaching me in public places so in result I'm the one who will deal with the problems.

"I'm just her friend."

"Are you sure?" Ike sounds doubtful.

"Ask her if you don't believe me."

"Well if you say so." Ike sighs in relief.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"The thing is I'm going to confess to her later at night." Ike said while looking confident.

"GoodLuck then." Although I know she will reject him giving him a 'goodluck' is better.

I left them and spend my time reading in my room.


Kushida messaged me later in the evening while I was lying in bed.

She invited me to meet near where she approached me earlier.

(Sorry don't know much about parts of a cruise ship.)

I went there in the exact time she said.

But as I assumed I saw her with Ike talking, Yamauchi is also their hiding although Kushida may have already seen her.

Ignoring Yamauchi I tried to listen to their conversation.

"So maybe you can go out with me?" Ike asks her.

So they've been here for a while know.

"Um..... I'm sorry Ike-kun I can't go out with you." Kushida said as she bowed deeply.

Ike was looking at her chest with perverted look even Yamauchi who was hiding is also focused on her chest.

"Then can you tell me the reason why?" Ike doesn't even look or sound sad because he was mesmerized by her body.

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