Chapter 7

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"Oi Kushida-san you really crying?"

One of the girls talks to Kushida whom have a teary eyes.

Ayanokōji thought of saving her but decided to take a video of it to make a more use of the situation.

"I didn't mean to hurt his feelings so please forgive me."

Kushida saids as she sobs.

'she's cuter when she's crying but something is off.'

"Don't think that you can just hurt his feelings because your face is pretty. Do you want to make your face give you a scar?"

The girl said while picking up a sharp rock, Kushida's eyes widened in fear.


'I'll have to stop them if that happens but I'll let go on a little longer.'

The girl squats to see Kushida's face closely.

"You really look one of a kind but It's a shame that this will be last time you will look beautiful."

The girl lifts up the rock but on her friends stopped her.

"This should be enough look at her."

Said one of her friends and soon followed by her other friends because Kushida is looks really sorry for what she did.

The girl looks at Kushida and puts down the rock.


They all heard a loud smack as the girl slap her really hard. Kushida is now looking at the ground trying not to show her face anymore.

"Be glad it was just a slap, don't ever bother him anymore, lets go girls."

The girls all left and now Ayanokōji has a strong evidence to the incident.

'finally my work here is done.'

Kushida stands up, Ayanokōji thought she will head back to her room but she enter the elevator that heads to the rooftop so Ayanokōji followed her out of curiosity but he use the stairs instead of using the elevator to avoid any risk of being seen.

He reached the rooftop quite fast, when he looked through the door that leads to the rooftop he heard a voice that sounds like Kushida's voice but at the same it doesn't sound like her. So he decided to take a peek and saw Kushida kicking the railings while shouting so he started taking a video again.

"Those fucking ugly girls I'll kill them all!

Fucking morons they think they're good now!

It's that guy's fault, confessing thinks I will accept him because he was handsome? What a Idiot thinks he's great just because he's a second year."

'so those were second year? As I thought she have a hidden side but I didn't I'd be like this.'

"Also Horikita, that bitch. Why did she have to attend the same school as me?!"

'So she did know Horikita, after all when she ask me she already know Horikita's name.'

"Ahhhh! Just give me a break!"

Kushida seem to finish her rants so Ayanokōji slowly pulled back his phone but it falls as it hits the door.

"Who's there."

'Well I guess this is it.'

"It's me."


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