Chapter 2

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Footsteps of the gorgeous woman echoes inside the classroom as she stopped in the podium and looks at the student with a cold uncaring eyes.

"I'm Chabashira Sae, I will the homeroom teacher of the Class-D for next 3 years since homeroom teachers don't change."

Their teacher's voice was monotone and somewhat cold but some boys are looking at their teacher with a perverted gaze.

Handbooks are distributed among them as the teacher asks them to read it.

'So we will be living in dorms inside the school and not allowed to leave school unless you get expelled, the handbook also says that we have everything we need here, I guess this is interesting.'

While the students are reading the book the teacher taps the podium to gain their attention.

"Before you finish reading I would explain some things to all of you."

"Each month the school would be giving a private points  and right now they've already transferred the 100,000 private points for this month, also each private points converts to 1 yen that will be the currency in this school and those points you can buy everything, you can also transfer points to other students."

The students hearing that rejoice in their new highschool life but for Ayanokōji it seem to good to be true.

"This is absurd."

The girl next to murmured those words as she is looking at her phone.

"I think that's all you wanted to hear so goodbye."

'all you wanted to hear does that there's more?'

As Ayanokōji is analyzing their teacher's word he was soon snap back to reality as his seatmate taps him on the shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Why are you looking at me?"

Ayanokōji realized that while he was lost in thoughts he was looking at her the whole time.

Her tone is very cold thought Ayanokōji.

"Sorry about that I was just thinking about something."

"Then don't look at me your creeping me out."

'she don't hold back her words at all, wait this might be my chance to have a "friend".'

"I'm Ayanokōji by the way."

"I've already heard it."

"Right sorry, your Horikita right?"

The girl nods as she reads the handbook.

"We should get along since we'll be seatmates." He said with an attempt of using a friendly tone. Sadly, he failed. Horribly.

"You don't know how to socialize with people do you?"

'Is she good at reading people or is it too obvious that I don't know how to socialize?'

"What do you think of the school?"

"You're not giving up? Fine I think this school is too easygoing giving a hundred thousand points is too good to be true."

"Then don't you think there has to be catch?"

"Maybe but what kind of catch would it be that they gave us a lot of points."

'So she likes these kind of conversations.'

While Horikita is taking the conversation seriously, Ayanokōji on the other hand is figuring out Horikita.

"Who knows?"

"I must say you have the brain to point out those things."

"Same thing goes for you."

As both of them exchange compliments, they also end their chat there


The school ended and Ayanokōji heads to the convenience store to buy some necessary things but as soon as he opens the door a student bumps into him as both of them fall back and the student who bumped into him looked at him with a glare with devil like smile.

"Interesting kukuku..."

The magenta haired student said as he walks passed as if nothing happened.

'that boy have a strong physique, when I bumped into him he just fall back even though I put some force into it, it seem like he was on guard.'


Ayanokōji apologize but the magenta haired boy didn't pay attention to it.

He also just brush off the incident as he enters the convenience store he went straight to the hygiene products, and there he spotted his seatmate Horikita.

"Oh your here."

"What a unpleasant coincidence."

As they exchange their greetings Ayanokōji started putting the things he need in the basket.

"Your buying the cheapest products?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Just asking."

"I'm not falling for the school's bait."

'smart indeed.'

"Look there are free products there."

Said Ayanokōji as he points the ile where it says free.

"Why would there be free things?"

"Maybe if you spend all points?"

"But is that even possible?"

"Who knows?"

Horikita then some of the free items.

"For a girl you are so different I guess."

Horikita shot him a cold glare.

"You should mind your own business, you creep."

With that Ayanokōji left not wanting to be insulted any further.

He grabs some ramen and head to the cashier to pay. After he paid all the things he bought he looked at his phone as it displays a large amount of points and it made him wonder.

'I think the catch is much worse than I thought.'


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