Part 3 Chpater 3

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Ike alongside his group came back after awhile.

"Guys we've found lake, it's a spot we can rest there, the water is also drinkable, near there we can found a fruits to eat. So stand up and let's go before someone steal it!"

Ike shouted happily at us who are all resting.

We all stood up and follow him, the place is almost the same as he said, it was a good place to rest but the space not that much, the water is drinkable however the girls might hesitate to drink it without being purified, so purifying it is the best way because who knows what bacteria is in the water.

"See this place is great!" Ike seem happy, does he like this kind of thing?

"Everyone I think he is right after all this is a spot we can gain points. So we will all stay here for the week." Hirata confirmed that we will stay here for the week.

"But who will be our leader?" One the girls ask.

"Does it even need to be questioned? It's obvious, Hirata will be the leader." Karuizawa said.

The girls all started to agree even Kushida however the girl beside started walking towards Hirata.

"I think you being the leader will be dangerous." She said with a glare at the girls.

"Why is that Horikita-san?" Hirata ask worryingly.

"Because if you are the leader isn't it too easy to guess? We need someone who isn't you or Kushida." She's right, I knew she'd figure it out.

"Then who?" Karuizawa ask tilting her head.

She points her finger at someone. That 'someone' is none other than me.

"It's Ayanokōji-kun." She only said that after they all look at me.

"Huh?" I just said even though I can't refuse it because of her persistence.

"You will be the one suited for that." I'm not that good for a leader, you on the other hand is better fit for it.

I looked at Kushida who is looking at me among the girls, she knew already what it means.

"Horikita-san, I think Ayanokōji-kun is not good enough for the leadership." Kushida opposes Horikita's proposal.

"Why is that?" Horikita said strongly.

"What if Ayanokōji-kun can't be that responsible? I mean, he looks careless, lazy, and slow." Kushida destroyed my reputation in class, I don't even know if I have reputation in class so it's fine.

Girls soon agrees to her, do I really look like that?

Horikita can't defeat the crowds and just decided to ask who should be the leader.

"Who should it be then?"

"You." Kushida replied quickly.

Though everyone seem to doubt it Hirata agreed and make her the leader.

We set up our camp and took our rest after this election of leader.

-2nd Day-

I woke up early than usual because I find it hard sleeping in a tent.

When we are all up we set a work for the morning and finished it later before we eat lunch.

While we are having some of our classmates received a invitation from Class-B and Class-C to go in their own place.

The one assigned to do that is me and Horikita, it's not really assigned since Horikita wanted to do this herself dragging me with him.

We first went to Class-C, their place is near the ocean.

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