Author's Note

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Somebody asked me. What inspired me to write Afterlife.

Well, the song named Afterlife 👀

I was listening to the song and the plot and scenes came to my mind suddenly.

I noted the characters down in my notebook and started studying about Korean history, referring to dates and history of rulers and how can I relate them with my storyline for six months.

Then I thought about adding two anti-heroes in a story who are mad about one girl.

Jungkook and Taehyung.

Then I added Gods and Devil who'll help them to meet true destiny.

Namjoon, Jin and Jimin.

But a destiny unlike other story. A destiny where a happy ending doesn't mean staying alive but staying together.

In the end, I added an Angel and a Grim Reaper who seem to be least mentioned in the story but the entire story is actually happening because of their actions.

Hobi's curse in the past causing the story to actually be written and Yoongi's change of the course of destiny for the female lead in the end.

And viola.

That's Afterlife, for you.

You might not be satisfied with the ending but the whole point of the story was about how nothing is perfect.

Neither is a love story.

No one is perfect. Not even the hero or the villain. Is Taehyung or Jungkook the hero? A villain is a villain if the hero tells the story. A villain is a hero if he tells the story. So, it is up to you if you want to call Taehyung a villain or not. But since this book was in the Author's POV, I did not consider him one while writing it. He had high morals about love and probably loved Haeguk even more than Jungkook for being able to wait for 661 years for her. Jungkook too loved Haeguk more than his own life and was determined to do anything to be together with her, no matter if he was following the good path or the evil one by the end.

I know, it's confusing. But I always write stories that confuse the readers so that they use their own imaginations and make their own theories without relying on the writer's lines.

Because, ultimately, no matter how well a writer writes a story,

It is the reader's brain which processes it beautifully.

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