12: Morden Hell

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2023 AD [Somewhere in hell]

The man fell to the ground and slowly stood up there, looking up at the dark place in confusion. Until he saw a guy, approaching him, raising his glass of wine up to his lips. His dark blue hair, dark eyes, black dress, and dark wings made him look intimidating. Jimin.

"Welcome to hell," Jimin said, keeping the glass of wine in the air and it vanished by itself. The other guy frantically scanned the place before asking, "I'm in hell?" Jimin looked at him silently. It was his daily occurrence so no big deal.

"I- I don't understand." The guy said and Jimin shrugged. "Eternal damnation? Infinite suffering? It is a pretty straightforward concept," Jimin spoke blatantly.

"No, I mean like 'Hell' hell?" The other guy asked him in confusion and Jimin nodded with a casual shrug, "The one and only."

"Then get me the hell outta here!" The other guy complained. Jimin tilted his head and pressed his lips, twitching them at the side, "It's not up to me, I'm afraid. In Hell, you are your own jailer. You brought yourself here."

The other guy scoffed before turning away, "Then imma take me on up outta here, then." Jimin rolled his eyes but the other guy was again brought back to the same place where he was standing. His eyes widened and he screamed, "How in the hell?"

Jimin sighed and shook his head, "Same response every time. Welcome back to hell!" Jimin said with a lazy smile. "What? No! Look I know I wasn't perfect but I tried my best! I didn't kill anyone." The guy cried out loud.

Jimin nodded and extended his hand getting a few balloons and passing them to him, "Yeah, I know. Great job. So here's your welcome package," Jimin said before getting another box from out of nowhere and handing it to the guy who took it from him in pure confusion before opening it and seeing as Jimin kept speaking, "There's cologne, Margarita mix, a bottle of tequila, my favorite and the lastest Samsung Galaxt Z-flip that has got the sweetest dating app which is exclusive to hell. Oh, and there's a free Netflix subscription. No need to add the Wi-Fi password because this phone is already connected to VPN to your own home so feel free to watch porn without getting a virus."

The guy looked at Jimin in confusion who just smirked at him, "You own the Bungalow with the address mentioned in the box. Just don't throw the garbage in the neighbor's trash can because people here aren't all really friendly. They can't kill you because you're already dead but they can surely hurt you. Till your time comes for the next birth, you own every privilege in hell. It's pretty cool." Jimin says with a smile and the guy looks at the box and balloons in his hands.


Jimin shrugs, "Enjoy your eternal party, man. Seriously though like what are they saying about us up there?" He asks but his eyes land upon a friend from the other realm behind the man. "Well, nice meeting you. You can go enter the door to the club of the eternal party. Yeah? Bye!" He says and pushes the man inside the door before turning to his friend.

"Hey, Jin. Long time, no see, man."

Jin rolls his eyes and stares at the door. "Porn? VPN? Tequila?" Jin asks and Jimin chuckles. "He looked innocent and scared. Probably sent up her because he committed a small crime of lying or stuff. He doesn't need damnation." Jimin says.

"So you are building an empire here?" Jin asks and Jimin shakes his head. "Just until they are again called for birth. The world down there is even more pathetic." Jimin says and Jin sighs.

"Cut the crap. Why did you send a goblin down there with the memories of his past life?" Jin asks and Jimin frowns at him. "What do you mean?"   

"Oh, Jimin. I know your pranks. You saw me playing with one of my people and you do the same with your own. But it's not good!" Jin says and Jimin gives him an offended look. "I seriously don't- Okay, look. Tell me his name."

"Kim Taehyung." Jimin quickly extends his hand and gets a tablet in front of him. Jin passes him with a questioning gaze. "What in the hell is that?"

Jimin looks up at him, "Well, this is hell. And about this thing in my hand. You guys are still recording the data in books? Technology down there is awesome. So I borrowed some."

 Jin sighs and motions him to continue, "Kim Taehyung. The King of Gyeongju. His close friend was a loyal devotee of mine. His death was supposed to be in 1397 but somehow it didn't happen because- oh? Now this gets interesting," Jimin says with a scoff and turns his tablet to Jin, showing the red letters beside the pending death reason. Jin read the words with bulged-out eyes,

"A heavenly curse?"


Heavenly yet a curse

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Heavenly yet a curse. So contrasting. I appreciate my brain.

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