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After everyone had gone to bed, Callie and Jada took over the hotel living room with their suits. Natasha and the team had given everything the go ahead. Jada was now Lynx. And Callie had finished up her Spider-Woman suit.

Callie had created her suit as a modified version of Spider-Man's. It was red and blue with the black lines of webbing, but it also had thicker white fabric around the arms and wrists to strengthen the suit.

 It was red and blue with the black lines of webbing, but it also had thicker white fabric around the arms and wrists to strengthen the suit

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It was equipped with so much power. It was designed to activate with the push of the necklace, or Callie's thoughts. The suit could read heat signatures, had hidden microphones, spider bots, could hack any technology, it could electrocute, it even had a nighttime mode where the entire suit would black out to help Callie blend in with the darkness. She could still climb up walls like before, but even faster, and her senses and reflexes were much more in tune.

"What do you think?" Callie asked as she pulled on her mask, completing the suit. "It feels good."

Jada felt a throbbing from between her legs. The suit looked fantastic, and even better when Callie was wearing it. "I think you look really hot."

"Thanks babe."

"You think it would be possible to get Spider-Girl to myself tonight?" she asked seductively.

"I think that could be arranged," Callie said. She held her wrist forward and shot a web at Jada's abdomen, pulling her close until she was standing right in front of her.

"Is this one that disintegrates?" Jada asked as she wrapped her arms around Callie's neck.

"It is."

That was another thing about Callie's suit that Jada liked. She could shoot softer, and shorter webs that would disintegrate upon release from her wrist. That way every time she did this to Jada, Jada wouldn't be covered in webs.

"Do you want to go to bed or do you wanna go swing around the city for a little bit?"

"You want to take me out?"

"I always like taking you out."

"I wanna go with you."

"Get your suit ready."

Jada happily pressed the necklace and was standing before Callie in the Lynx suit. Callie activated her nighttime mode, her red, blue, and white suit turning to black.

"Let's see if you can keep up," Callie said as she started toward the back door. Sliding the door open, she stopped on the balcony. Jada then closed it behind her.

"You better watch out," Jada teased. "I'm going to use that grappling hook you added a lot more than you think I am."

"I just figured I'd give you a chance to keep up."

"It's literally just like a spider web," Jada added. "That retracts, shoots, and holds onto things a little bit better than a web."

"We'll see about that."

Callie turned and jumped over the railing, disappearing out of Jada's sight. When she heard a web shoot and saw it attach to another building, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Here goes nothing."

Starting to run to the edge of the balcony, Jada easily jumped the railing with her suit powers. As she began heading downwards, she shot the grabbling hook and smiled when it hooked onto a window sill as she swung. This was pretty fun.

Jada continued to follow Callie through the city, both of them swinging past buildings after building.

"You're doing pretty good back there," Jada heard Callie say through her earpiece.

"I'm a lot better than you think I am."

"You sure about that?"

"Yeah," Jada said with a smile under her mask. "Watch this!"

Jada grappled onto another building and pulled herself to it. She stuck her feet out and landed on the side of the building, taking off in a sprint as her grappling hook retracted. As she neared the edge of the building, she pushed off and jumped into the road, grabbing Callie as she was swinging.

They both circled a few times before Callie fully grabbed Jada and shot a web to balance them out. "What was I supposed to be watching?" Callie asked as they continued to swing.

"That," Jada said. "I tackled you."

"You did," Callie agreed. "That was pretty impressive."

"I'm a lot more impressive than you think I am."

"Babe, I think you are very impressive. You never stop amazing me."

"Did you think I was that impressive when you first met me?" Jada asked as they swung to the top of a building, and Callie let go of the web.

"Oh yeah."

"And how was I impressive?"

"You were so kind, caring, gentle, and you were so, so beautiful. You still are all those things now," Callie made sure to add, both women giggling at the comment.

"You were yourself. You were very open and you really trusted me. You didn't hide at all, you gave your fullest and true self to me. Like, our first time, when you told me that I would be your first."

"Oh, not this again! You always bring up-"

"No, no," Callie said softly. "You owned who you were. Most people would've hidden that. You let me take care of you, and walk you through it. I didn't judge, hearing that actually made me happy. I was the one you trusted to let me love you completely."

Callie smiled under her mask. "I wanted to have sex, like really bad. I didn't want to rush it, I wanted to wait until you were ready. I started having sex when I was 15 and I didn't truly experience sex until I met you. The quick fucks are fun, but that's not the experience I wanted for you. I wanted you to be loved, cherished, and adored your first time. To me, sex is the connection between you and your partner, and not about how fast you can get it off."

Before Callie could say anything else, Jada ripped off her mask, pulled up Callie's over her mouth, and pressed a crushing kiss to her lips.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now