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Jada leaned over and pressed her hand gently to Callie's back. "Are you okay?"

Other than a few groans, Callie hadn't moved since she collapsed onto the floor face first. She was not in distress, so Jada just let her lay there while she finished tidying up some stuff in the new baby's room.


"Huh?" Callie groaned.

Being careful not to jerk her body oddly, Jada knelt down beside Callie and moved herself into a sitting position. "Are you there?"

"Uh huh," was Callie's muffled reply.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh huh."

"Can you roll over so I can see you?" Jada asked.

Very slowly and with a lot of groaning, Callie rolled over and onto her back. "I'm tired."

"You look tired," Jada replied with a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Mhm, I'm beat."

"Are you okay?" Jada asked again. "You were scaring me there."

"I'm good."

After Sofia went to bed, Jada decided she wanted to work on the new baby's room. And that involved making Callie carry all the heavy stuff up the stairs and out of the spare bedroom where they had been storing Sofia's old things. Since they had Sofia, they were able to reuse a lot of things from when she was a baby, like the changing station and crib. Jada also ordered more things for the baby's room which had been taking up space in the garage for the last month.

Jada already painted and the night was spent setting everything up. All they really had to do was wait for the new baby to decide when she wanted to show up into the world.

"Thank you for carrying all the heavy stuff," Jada said appreciatively with a smile.

"I didn't really have a choice did I?"

"No, you really didn't," she teased.

"You couldn't have asked any of the guys at work and paid them with cookies or something?" Callie asked.

"Now why would I do that when I have you and I don't have to pay you anything?"

"You could've at least asked somebody like Luke," Callie suggested.

"Yeah? And have your ex-boyfriend over?"

"Better than me doing all the work."

"I'm not tying to be biphobic or anything," Jada began. "But if you're going to make me ask people, can we not ask your ex-boyfriend?"

"He played football," Callie protested.

"Still." Jada laughed when Callie held up her middle finger. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

"You better keep up the working out for the rest of our lives, baby."

"You suck," was Callie's reply.

"Thanks," Jada teased. "You better though because I'm going to need my girl to be carrying all the heavy stuff."

"I hope I can. I'm getting old."

"You are not getting old, Calliope."

"But, I'm not going to be in as good of shape as I am now."

"Baby, you are in the best of shape," Jada said. "It's elite. And Tom Brady played football until he was 45 so if he can do that, you can keep up that physique of yours." Pushing herself to her feet, Jada slowly got up. "Come on, let's go downstairs."

Callie nodded. "I'll be right behind you."

Jada extended her arm and held up her hand for Callie. "I'll help you up."

"I'm too heavy. You don't need to be doing that."

Callie reluctantly allowed Jada to pull her to her feet. And when she did, she let out a whimper of pain upon putting weight on her left foot. "Calliope, what did you do?"

Fully standing up, Callie hobbled over towards the door. "I may or may not of accidentally set the dresser on my foot."

She couldn't put any weight on her left foot. "Calliope! Why didn't you tell me!?"

"I'll be fine," Callie said, but let out a cry of pain when she attempted to put weight on her foot.

"Calliope, you are not fine. I can see that you're not fine."

"Okay, maybe not," Callie admitted.

"Here, get on my back."

"I am not getting on your back," Callie said sternly.

"How can I help you then?" Jada questioned.

"Can you just hold my hand?" Callie asked softly. "I'll put some ice on it and hope that it's not broken."

Taking Callie's hand in hers, Jada begun to lead Callie out of the room who was hobbling on one foot behind her. "What am I going to do with you?"

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now