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Callie sat on the couch with her arm around her wife and the girl of her dreams leaning up against her. Sofia insisted on having another movie night and Callie had decided to invite some people from work. Addison was the only one able to make it and she was currently on the floor playing with Sofia.

Callie and Jada's little girl had an amazing attention span for her age. She already watched one movie this evening and was making her moms put on a second one. Arizona had just gotten home and the girls waited for her to shower before starting the next movie.

Hearing her phone vibrate on the table beside the couch, Callie reached over to grab it. She had gotten a few texts from Arizona.

"Babe?" Callie called softly as she tightened her arm around Jada to get her attention.

"Yeah, Calliope?" Jada asked as she turned to look at her wife over her shoulder.

"Arizona fell in the shower," Callie replied and immediately Jada's face registered alarm.

"Is she okay?" Jada asked.

"Yeah," Callie answered. "She said her shower leg gave out and she just kinda slid down the back of the shower. She just needs help getting up. She asked me to help her and I just want to ask you. Because I can ask Addison," Callie rambled.

"Go help her, baby."

"I'm going to have to see her naked," Callie continued. "I want your permission before I do that because the only girl I want to see naked is you."

"Calliope," Jada said with a soft and reassuring smile. "I trust you. You don't need to ask me for permission to help her."

Nodding, Callie leaned over to give Jada a kiss. "I'll be right back. I love you."

"I love you too," Jada replied as she moved over to allow Callie to get up.

Callie headed for the stairs and took them by two before reaching the top. She turned left on the second floor and made her way past the balcony and to the other section of the upstairs that housed the guest rooms. She opened the door to Arizona's room before making her way to the bathroom door.

"Arizona," she called through the still closed door. "Do you want me to come in?"

"Yes," Arizona replied from the other side of the door.

Callie slowly turned the door handle before gently pushing the door open. She made her way into the bathroom and to the shower door where she could only see a blurred image of Arizona through the shower door.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm good," Arizona answered with a chuckle. "It just kinda gave out on me and I slid down the wall."

"Is it alright if I come in?" Callie asked. "Do you want me to get you a towel?"

"I'm okay Callie, really," Arizona said. "I just need help up. I can't reach the bar."

Slowly, Callie pulled open the shower door to see Arizona happily smiling back at her from the shower floor. She had detached her leg which was propped up against the shower wall.

Knowing she was going to get wet, Callie decided to save her shirt at least. She pulled her t-shirt over her head leaving her in a sports bra and athletic shorts.

She tried her best to avert her eyes from Arizona's naked body, but it was no use. This reminded Callie so much of when she first brought Arizona home following the amputation. Arizona was still getting used to her leg and wasn't able to make it to the bathroom. Callie had put her in the shower and she vividly remembered them screaming at each other until they broke down sobbing.

"I remember that too," Arizona said softly. "I was so horrible to you. I am so sorry for how I treated you."

Callie stepped into the shower, the warm water immediately soaking her remaining clothes as she stepped around Arizona. Bending over, she linked her hands underneath Arizona's arms and pulled the blonde to her foot.

"We both made a lot of mistakes," Callie replied as she placed her hands on Arizona's sides above her hips to keep her upright. "It's in the past now. The past is the past and we've both grown so much from where we were and that's all that matters."

"I don't know how you could ever forgive me," Arizona admitted. "But, thank you, Calliope. For that and for coming up to help me."

Arizona then added, "I should be okay, thank you."

"Finish up," Callie instructed softly as she looked over at the blonde's waterproof leg. She could see that the plastic was bent slightly out of place, most likely from a slight slip in the shower. Callie didn't trust putting Arizona's weight on it again until it was fixed or replaced.

"Really, I'll be fine."

"It's bent," Callie explained. "It looks like you slipped a little or something. I'm not going to let you fall again. I'll keep you up, and lean against me for support if you need to."

"Thank you, Calliope."

Callie intertwined her hands around Arizona's stomach as she continued to keep her upright. "You're welcome, Arizona."

After a few long moments of silence, Callie felt Arizona begin to tremble in her arms. "Hey, hey, it's okay," Callie tried to reassure the blonde who she could hear crying now.

The crying soon turned to sobbing and Arizona was turning around in Callie's arms. "Can I hug you?" Arizona asked ever so quietly.

"Yes," Callie answered immediately as Arizona finished turning around. The blonde wrapped her arms tightly around Callie's neck and rested her head on Callie's shoulder and faced away from their bodies. Callie once again intertwined her fingers as she rested her hands on the middle of Arizona's back to help keep her upright.

"What's going on?" Callie asked softly. "Are you thinking about Kate?"

"I miss her," Arizona sobbed. "She helped me so much and I made so much progress and now I'm slipping back into the very same hole I started in. And I can't do it again," Arizona continued. "I can't. I can't lose you, Calliope. I can't."

"Hey-" Callie was cut off by Arizona's rambling.

"Nobody knows me like you do. Kate didn't know me like you do. But she's not here-shes not here and I'm alone, and Callie I can't be alone right now."

"You're not alone," Callie tried her best to reassure Arizona. "I'm here. Jada's here. Sofia's here. You are wanted and welcomed here as long as you'd like."

"I just can't lose you like I lost her," Arizona continued to cry.

"You won't," Callie replied quickly.

"I just don't know how you could ever forgive me. I was horrible to you, and I slept around on you, and I-"

"Arizona, I forgive you," Callie said sternly. "I do. I am here for you. And I know if the roles were reversed you would be here for me too."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now