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Jada sat on the couch in the living room gripping her class of sparkling grape juice. It was the closest thing to alcohol, and right now she could really use a drink.

She grimaced when she heard a door slam upstairs. After running into Erica Hahn at the hospital today, everything went downhill from that moment forward.

Michelle had volunteered to take Sofia out for dinner and Grace had decided to tag along with her mom and niece. Callie and Jada had yet to talk about today and it was about to happen in a few moments as Jada heard her wife's footsteps coming down the stairs.

Callie came around the corner and into the living room and Jada could already tell this wasn't going to be pretty. Callie was mad. She wasn't annoyed, she was mad and it was evident all over her face.

Coming to a stop in front of Jada, Callie just rested the palm of her hand on her forehead. "Callie, I-" Jada began but was immediately cut off.

"Would you like to tell me WHY you ended up in a FIST FIGHT with Erica Hahn!?" Callie demanded loudly. The initial outburst startled Jada at first, but Callie wasn't yelling at her. She was just talking loudly and aggressively.

That was what happened earlier. One of the interns let Dr. Erica Hahn into the building and Jada and Grace ran into her a few times as Jada showed her sister around the hospital. Callie told Jada a little bit about Erica, but upon meeting her, Callie's description didn't do her justice.

She was a bitch.

Callie didn't like to talk about Erica very much and Jada understood it. From what she'd been told, Erica dumped Callie after finding out she was bisexual. Callie told her a lot of what was said and a little bit about what happened and it just made Jada's heart hurt for her wife. She had been rejected by her girlfriend for her bisexuality and later her family.

When Erica decided to drop a snarky remark about Callie as they walked past her, Jada completely lost it on the blonde woman. And she ended up in a fist fight with one of her wife's exes. She'd gone right after Erica and even Callie had trouble restraining her.

"You got in a fist fight with Erica freaking Hahn!"


"You are pregnant with my child and you started a fight! A fucking fight! Over what?"

"You mean our child Calliope!?" Jada shot back.

The comment flew right over Callie's head. "I can't believe you-"

"You don't get to talk right now, Calliope!" Jada snarled back. "This baby is MY child too! Just because we didn't use my eggs doesn't make me any less of a mother to this baby then you! I'll be damned if I ever hear you call this baby your child again!"

Jada watched Callie's expression soften. "You know I didn't mean that, Jaelynn."

"I know," Jada replied hotly. "But that doesn't make it not hurt."

"I'm sorry," Callie said softly. After apologizing, she picked up right where she had been before. "Why did you start a fight with Erica!?"

"Because of the stuff she said about you, Callie!" Jada argued.

"I don't care what she said!" Callie fired back. "That doesn't give you a reason to fight her!"

"And you wouldn't of done the same if you were in my place!?"

"Of course I would've done the same!" Callie admitted. "But I would never do it in you workplace!"

"Bullshit Callie! That's bullshit and you know it!"

"What if she got you across the stomach!?" Callie asked. "Huh? What if she got you good there and killed our baby!? Over some stupid comment!"

"Baby, I know what she did to you," Jada spoke, her voice lower this time. "No one should ever have a partner like that. Part of me loving you is protecting you too. I know you would've stopped her from hurting me. I know you wouldn't as much as let a hair of hers touch me. Let me protect what I love."

Callie just stood and looked at Jada for a few seconds. "I love you."

Jada was taken aback and startled for a moment when Callie closed the space between them and pressed her lips hard against Jada's. She felt herself being pushed into the cushion of the couch a little forcefully as Callie came to straddle her legs.

But she happily kissed Calliope Torres in return. "I love you, Calliope," Jada muttered between kisses.

Taking a quick break from kissing Jada's lips, Callie kissed her cheeks before running her lips around Jada's collarbone. "So baby, are you like... mad at me? Not mad a me anymore?"

Callie stopped at the base of her neck. "Please don't fight anyone anymore. Especially while you're carrying our baby."

"No promises." Upon seeing the glare in her wife's eyes, Jada giggled before adding, "I'm just kidding, I know that's your job."

"And it will always be my job."

"Baby, I think it's pretty cool how when we fight we just kiss and make up," Jada said as she struggled to catch her breath from her rapid heartbeat of Callie tracing her lips over exposed skin.

"Mhm, that's one of my favorite things about our relationship. We understand each other, we work it out, and we know how to move past things together. And the kissing and making up part is cool too."

Jada leaned forward and captured Callie's lips in a kiss. "We still have a while before everyone gets home. Can we?" she asked with a suggestive raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now