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"Jada and I are having a girl," Callie happily boasted around the hospital the following morning.

"Congrats Cal," Christina said as she pulled her friend into a hug.

"Thanks Cris," Callie replied happily. "And I am going to enjoy this moment because I think this if the first time you ever hugged me."

"How's Jada doing?" Christina then asked.

Callie took a moment to make sure she was hearing Christina correctly. This was the first time she'd called Callie's wife by her first name since she came up with that stupid nickname.

"Are you okay?"

Just as Christina was about to reply, two pairs of footsteps came down the hallway behind them. Those sets of footsteps belonged to none other than Arizona and Kate.

"Did you find out!?" they asked in unison, stopping just short of Callie and taking a moment to catch their breath.

"I think it's a girl," Arizona said.

"Me too," Kate added.

"You're both right," Callie admitted with a wide smile. "Jada and I are having a girl."

"Congratulations!" they squealed.

Christina rolled her eyes. "I can't handle this. I need a drink."

"Relax, Yang," Callie teased in reply.

"Did you tell Sofia yet?" Arizona asked.

"We did not," Callie answered. "We're still figuring out how to bring it up after last time. And we think she's starting to notice Jada getting bigger because we've caught her looking at Jada's stomach more than once. She hasn't said anything to us yet."

"Is Jada doing better after yesterday?" Christina asked.

"Yang, did you actually just call Jada by her name?" Kate asked in disbelief.

Christina rolled her eyes. "Why is everyone so soft?"

"Jada's good," Callie answered Christina's question. "She wasn't doing too good yesterday but by the time we put Sof to bed she was doing a lot better."

"Hey, Callie!" Meredith yelled from down the hall. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Callie replied as she reached into her lab coat pocket for her phone that had begun buzzing.

Pulling out her phone, Callie was happily expecting a call from her wife, but nearly dropped her phone when she saw who the caller was.

Lucia Torres.


"Babe, my mom called me at work today," Callie said upon immediately entering the house and finding her wife in the kitchen.


"Yeah, my mom called me."

"Your mom called you?" Jada asked in disbelief. "Did you answer it?"

Callie shook her head. "No, I was too stunned to do it."

Jada came around the corner and wrapped Callie in a big hug. "Are you okay?"

Wrapping her arms around Jada as well, Callie nodded against her shoulder. "I think so."

"Listen, baby," Jada began. "Don't feel obligated to reach out to her. She hurt you so bad."

"I know. I'm just... I'm stunned." Callie then continued. "I don't need her getting in the way. You're going to have a baby soon and I don't want you to be stressed over my mom," she rambled.

"You know I can handle myself when it comes to your mom," Jada said with a soft smile. "Your mom is not going to scare me away, I promise you that."

"She learned the hard way," Jada said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Look, the only thing that would stress me out is you being stressed out with the stress she's putting on you."

"I don't want you to be stressed out," Callie protested.

"I will be fine," Jada replied. "I don't know what you want to do about it, but I'm right behind you with whatever you decide."

"Thank you."

Jada pushed herself onto the tips of her toes and kissed Callie softly. "I love you. And I protect what I love."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now