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"I can't help you if you don't let me help you," Callie said with a sigh.

"Calliope, enough. I don't need your pity."

"I'm not trying to pity you," Callie fired back. "I'm trying to help you how we agreed that I could help you."

"I don't want your help right now."


"Because I just don't!" Jada grabbed the covers and pulled them tighter around herself.

Callie sighed again. "You have been awake for three hours and haven't even dozed off. Let me help you."


"Jada, stop acting like this."

"Acting like what Callie? Being scared? Because I just watched you die in my dream!"

Callie rolled onto her back and covered her face with her hands. "You agreed to let me help you."

"Well, I don't want your help!"

"Fine," Callie replied hotly. "Do what you want."

"Go to bed," Jada growled under her breath.

But that only seemed to agitate Callie as she quickly sat back up in bed. "How do you think I feel?" Callie asked. "You watched me die in a dream, but you're here, refusing to let me help you, and forcing me to watch you in pain. What do you think that feels like for me? Because you're doing it right back to me and I didn't even do anything but try to help you."

"Stop playing the victim, Callie," Jada shot back. "I watched you die in my arms. And a while ago, I watched you nearly die in my arms. I literally watched you die. More than once."

"I am right here and I am fine," Callie snapped. "You are forcing me to sit here and watch you struggle with this nightmare. You know I can help you. This is not fair to me."

"Let me do my job and take care of you."

"I don't need taken care of, Callie! I am a grown woman and I am more than capable of taking care of myself."

"You know what I mean," Callie mumbled under her breath. "We vowed to each other to take care of the other through love and happiness, and sickness and pain. You took those vows and you're not letting me honor mine."

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres! That is enough!"

She had it. Callie flung the covers off herself and got to her feet. "Have it your way. All I've done is try to help you and you're treating me like shit. I am done. Do what you want. Don't come crying to me because you had another nightmare."

She walked into the closet and quickly changed into warmer clothes, a long sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Where are you going?" Jada asked.

"I'm going to sleep somewhere else."

"Callie, come back," Jada said with slight panic in her voice. "There's nowhere else to sleep."

"At this point I'll sleep on the floor before I get in bed with you."

Before Jada could protest, Callie was out the door and she was hearing the door close back into place. Jada grabbed a blanket, rolled it up, and moved over a little bit until she was on Callie's side of the bed. And then she wept.

On her way down the hallway, Callie stopped and checked on both of her daughters. Sofia was sound asleep with Archer laying at the foot of her princess bed.

When it was Riley's turn, Callie caught her just as she was about to wake up. "Hey sweetheart," Callie said softly as she turned on a dim nightstand light.

Callie smiled down at the little girl who was looking at her Momma with interest. "I know you're hungry. Let's get you some food."

Very carefully, Callie lifted her baby girl out of her crib and cradled her into her arms. She reached down and grabbed and already prepped bottle of milk and made her way over to the rocking chair.

"Alright sweetie."

Riley was a good eater. She had no problems taking a bottle when they were finally able to do the switch. With a few breaks, it still didn't take the little girl long to finish the bottle. Callie held her baby girl and gently burped her for a few minutes.

When she was finished, she held Riley cradled in her arms again. "You're so beautiful," Callie said softly. "Momma loves you so much."


Callie looked up to see Sofia coming past the door and into Riley's room. "Hey, Sof."

"Momma, I had a bad dream. I'm scared."

"Okay, honey. Head back to your room and I'll be in right after I put Riley down."

"Hurry Momma."

"Alright sweetie," Callie said to the baby she was holding. "Time for bed."

The new baby already dozed off, making Callie feel more comfortable putting her back into her crib. She always wanted Riley to be asleep before she left, just like she had done with Sofia. Callie didn't want her baby girl to watch as she walked away and left her alone.

Leaning over, Callie pressed a gentle kiss to Riley's forehead. "Goodnight sweetie. I love you."

Callie made sure to tuck her little girl in well before heading into the hallway and going to settle Sofia. One of her girls was taken care of and the other was still waiting.

"Sofia, are you okay?" Callie asked as she entered her older daughter's room and closed the door behind herself.

"I think so," the little girl said quietly. "I'm still scared."

Moving across the room and to sit down on Sofia's bed, Archer immediately jumped off the bed to allow Callie some room. "Momma, can I sleep with you and Mommy?"

Callie smiled softly. "How about I stay in here for a little while?"

"You will?"

"I will," Callie said as she crawled over to lay on the other side of Sofia's bed.

"Thank you, Momma!"

"You're welcome, Sofia. Try to get some sleep and I'll be right here just in case."

The princess bed wasn't Callie's intended destination, but it beat sleeping on the couch so she would take it. Callie was also appreciative that her daughter was so willing to allow her to help, unlike her wife.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now