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Jada came downstairs and made her way toward the fridge for her only cup of coffee for the day. She had been doing well with not drinking a lot of coffee, if any at all. This morning though, the coffee was necessary.

"You look like you had sex," Michelle stated blatantly from where she sat at the kitchen counter.

"What the hell?"

Michelle giggled. "The post sex afterglow is very much still in effect."

And her mom was spot on. Jada woke up earlier this morning feeling very horny and decided that if she didn't get to sleep, Callie didn't get to either. Jada was still coming down from that insanely high climax Callie brought her to, even though it was almost an hour ago.

"Fine," Jada rolled her eyes. "Callie and I had sex right before she left for work."

And that was what sucked about being pregnant. She would be waiting all day for Callie to come home before they could move on to another round.

Jada did look like a wreck, she had to admit. Her blonde hair was all over the place and she wore a pair of sweatpants along with a loose t-shirt and no bra.

"Mom, when are you going to get laid again so we can talk about your sex life and not mine?" Jada teased as she grabbed the mixed fruit out of the fridge. Walking over to lean against the counter across from her mom, Jada pulled the lid off the fruit. "You could use a good lay."

"I am perfectly content with my life how it is," Michelle replied simply.

"It's been a while since you and dad got divorced. He's dating again. You need to get out there and start dating again."

"I don't know," was all Michelle said.

"Mom, Dad is a piece of shit. Yeah, he's my dad and I still love him, but he was a piece of shit. There's plenty of nice guys out there that aren't like dad."

Even though Jada was still close with her parents, she was much closer to her mom. Her parents got divorced right after she graduated college. Michelle had yet to date again, and her dad had tried to introduce her to a new girlfriend on numerous occasions.

"You told me to suck it the hell up and to put myself out there," Jada explained. "And without that, I never would've worked up the courage to ask Callie out."

"I think it would be good for you to start trying to date again."

"I have you, Grace, Callie, Sofia, and grandchild number two on the way. I have everything I need. I don't need a man for that."

Jada smiled. "That last part is very true. Remember my motto. Most men ain't shit."

They both laughed. "You can still have me, Grace, Callie, Sofia, and Baby Torres and date too, you know? You and Grace both need to start dating again."

"I just don't know..." Michelle said softly. "I don't know if I'm ready."

Taking a sip of coffee, Jada replied, "I know how in love with dad you were. And dad was a complete piece of shit to you. You didn't deserve how he treated you. But, I don't know if there's ever a time when you're going to feel truly ready to start dating again."

"No one is going to hurt you more than dad did," Jada continued. "Dad royally fucked up. And I'm sure Callie would happily beat up a guy for breaking your heart."

"You really think she would?"

Jada nodded with a grin stretching across her face. "Absolutely. Callie really protects what she loves. And you're the mom she never had. She considers you more her mom then her actual mom."


"Really. And I'm sure she could probably set you up with some of her coworkers."

"Jaelynn, that's not necessary," Michelle began, but stopped in her tracks when her daughter pulled out her phone and put it on speaker. Callie answered on the first ring.

"Hey, babe!"

"Hi, baby!" Jada said very giddily into the phone. "I miss you already."

"I miss you too," Callie replied. "Sof and I both miss you."

"I doubt she misses me," Jada joked. "She has so much fun at daycare."

"She does," Callie said. "She'll tell me at least once a day that she misses you and is excited to go home."

"She's getting so big. I can't believe she's going to be starting preschool in a few weeks."

"Me either."

"My mom needs your help," Jada began.

"With what?" Callie asked. Jada found it so cute the excitement in her wife's voice. She had no clue what she was going to be asked to do and she was already excited.

"She's going to start putting herself back out there-"

"Jaelynn Marie."

Ignoring her mom, Jada continued her statement. "And she was wondering if there were any nice guys her age at the hospital that would possibly be interested?"

"Okay," Callie said excitedly. "Arizona!"

"What's up Callie?" said the voice of the blonde peads surgeon.

"I need your help. We need to go through the staff and find some nice guys for Jada's mom."

"Ooo," Arizona said as she got closer to the phone. "Don't worry Jada's mom, we got you."

Michelle just rolled her eyes and palmed her forehead with her hand. "What did I get myself into?"

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now