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Jada couldn't sleep. No matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to fall asleep. And she knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Not with the argument she started with Callie earlier.

She laid in bed on her side with the covers pulled up to her shoulders. Jada had her arms wrapped around Mr. Sniffers who was cuddled to her chest.

Every time Jada attempted to close her eyes, she would think she was hearing Callie come home. But, none of the noises she was hearing had been her wife.

It was nearing midnight and Callie still wasn't home. And Jada desperately hoped that Callie would be home soon. She couldn't take the uncertainty of not knowing what Callie was thinking or feeling. She really hadn't meant to say what she did earlier. Unknown to Callie, Jada was beginning to have mood swings and in general, just feel weird. It was the fun of being in her first trimester.

Jada hadn't told Callie about the changes to her body. She had been very nauseous and fatigued in the last few days as well. However, she wasn't concerned though. Jada knew it was just her body adjusting to being pregnant again. She didn't want Callie to worry about her when she was at work, which was her reasoning for not telling her wife. Jada realized that she probably should've told Callie.

As she was lost in thought, she didn't hear Callie come home until their bedroom door opened. Jada heard the heavier footsteps crossing the room, meaning it was her wife and not her daughter.

Callie went right into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. When Jada heard the shower water running a few moments later, she sighed. She would now have to wait a little longer to talk to her wife.

Jada reached her hand down and gently rested it on her stomach. As much as Jada was never one to want to carry a child of her own, she found herself enjoying it. She had a really good feeling about baby Torres this time around. The morning sickness and feeling disgusting all the time was yet to come, but Jada was excited. In nearly nine months, she would be bringing a child into the world. Not just a child, her and Callie's child.

She was startled out of her thoughts when Callie came out of the bathroom. "Callie, baby," Jada immediately said, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"Jaelynn, I know you weren't trying to pick a fight. I know that you have mood swings... I know that. I don't care if you need me to be your punching bag," Callie said as she slipped under the covers. "Just please, don't bring up other men or women. I've been there and I know what it feels like to be cheated on. I haven't been even interested in anyone else since I met you and that's never going to change. I know you didn't mean that as a dig, but it hurt."

Jada nodded and immediately wrapped her arms around Callie. "I know, and I'm sorry."

Callie hugged her back. "I forgive you."

"But, Calliope?" Jada asked quietly.


"I don't want you to think that you're my punching bag. I don't ever want to use you like that. And if for some reason, I try to, please stop me. Tell me I'm being an idiot. You don't deserve that from me at all, wether it's intentional or not."

Callie shook her head. "Your job is to push a baby out of a hole it shouldn't be able to fit through. My job is to take care of you and be at your side for everything. I know you don't mean the hurtful things you say. I can take it-I'm a grown woman."

"No," Jada protested. "I will not allow myself to treat you lower than myself because I'm pregnant and you're not. That's an unhealthy power dynamic and I do not like it. Just because I'm pregnant does not mean I get all the power over you. We hold each other accountable, okay?"

"None of this is even your fault," Jada continued. "I took a shot at you. You don't need to be taking the blame for it. You're not going to hurt my feelings for calling me out on my bullshit. You already do that and it doesn't hurt my feelings."

Both of them giggled. "You are something else," Callie said.

"I know, but I'm your something else."

"That you are."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now