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Jada headed outside. She had been 3D modeling designs for the new baby's room. After a few hours and a few models later, Jada found herself wanting her wife's company. Sofia was at preschool and would be with her grandma the rest of the night, so Jada headed outside to see if the brunette wanted to hangout.

Jada found her wife in the other garage cleaning up the Thunderbird. Playfully rolling her eyes, Jada stepped into the garage. There was never a speck of dirt on the Thunderbird. Almost every time it was driven, it was cleaned after.

Callie's head popped out from under the hood and it was obvious she was not expecting to see Jada. Callie jumped and nearly nailed her head on the hood if it weren't for Jada's hand.

"Shit baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Immediately grabbing Jada's hand and inspecting it for any injuries, Callie kissed it softly. "It's okay. I was in my own little world there."

"You're always in your own little world when you're working on this thing," Jada teased.

Callie nodded and cleared the engine of her cleaning supplies before closing the hood. "I know. I hope that someday Sofia and her kids can enjoy it like I did. I promised my grandparents before they passed that I would keep it in the family forever."

"It's your pride and joy isn't it?"

Shaking her head, Callie replied, "you are my pride and joy. Then the kids maybe a close second."

They both laughed. "Oh, Calliope."

Callie leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her wife's lips. "Do you want to go on a date tonight? We haven't had date night in a while."

"You don't even have to ask me if I want to go on a date," Jada replied. "I will always want to go on a date with you."

"I like asking because I know you like the way I ask."

"Okay, that is true," Jada admitted. "What kind of date?" she then asked.

"I was thinking we could take the Thunderbird out for a drive," Callie answered. "It's a nice day out and I was thinking we could go watch the sunset. And then maybe make it an overnight date."

"But, you just cleaned it? Isn't it going to get dirty again?"

Callie shrugged. "It's supposed to be a nice night."

Jada still stared at her wife. "Are you okay? You hardly ever want to take the Thunderbird out."

"I want to show off my girl and my car," Callie teased in reply.

Jada blushed. "Where would we sleep?"

"I've slept in the Thunderbird before," Callie answered. "I have this little air mattress I used to use in school when I would take naps while I was out and about. Both of us will fit comfortably."

"Have you ever entertained company in here?" Jada asked as she walked around the side of the car.

"What do you mean?"

Jada raised an eyebrow. "You know what I mean."

Callie returned a very seductive smile when she realized what her wife was going for. "You would be the first."

"I'm adding that to date night."


"Do you have everything?" Callie asked as she came back into the garage carrying an insulated cooler bag full of drinks and snacks.

Jada nodded. "I think I'm good."

After putting the bag in the trunk, Callie asked, "Jaelynn, do you want to drive?"

Jada simply looked at her wife in disbelief. "You're allowing me to drive? I haven't drove stick since the Subaru I wrecked."

"You will do just fine."

"But I don't want to mess anything up," Jada began to defend. "I know this car is your precious baby."

"If I didn't think you could do it, I wouldn't have asked you," Callie explained softly. "I've been so picky over this car and I know you've been wanting to drive it for a while now." She tossed Jada the keys.

"Are you sure?"

Callie nodded. "I am. I want you to experience driving it because it's your car too."

Jada raised an eyebrow. "It's yours, Callie."

"It's not. It's ours," Callie replied, moving to open the passenger door and glove compartment. Pulling out the owners manual, she reached into the back where she kept the insurance and registration. Handing them to Jada, she said, "your name is on both of these. And on the title too. It's our car."

"When did you do this?"

"When we got married," Callie answered. "You really like this car. I forgot about it since we were both so busy and I was still doing work on the car. So, drive your car."


Jada happily crawled onto the air mattress after enjoying watching the sunset in Callie's arms. She was very surprised when Callie allowed them to sit on the hood, on blankets of course, and lean up against the windshield.

"What side do you want?" Callie asked as she locked the door.

"I want the backrest," Jada said with a smile. "You can lay with the steering wheel in your back."

Callie crawled in after her wife and closed the door behind them. Making sure both of the doors were locked, she pushed the key into the ignition so she wouldn't lose it. She rolled down the drivers side window just enough to get some fresh air in and set their clothing bag and the cooler into the footwells.

Jada pushed her back into the seat backrest to give her wife some room. For a car that didn't have a backseat, the front was quite roomy. Callie made herself comfortable beside Jada and pulled the blankets over them.

They drove to one of the parks in Seattle that had a great view of the city and the sunset. Once most people left after the sun set, Callie and Jada made themselves comfortable for the night. They had taken care of brushing their teeth, along with other things at home, to eliminate needing to get out of the car.

"Come here, Calliope," Jada mumbled as she leaned over to press a kiss to Callie's lips. It didn't take long for the kisses to turn heated and very soon, Callie was straddling Jada.

"Would you like me to entertain you now?" Callie asked with a teasing smile."


Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now