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"Sof, you want to pick out a book to read tonight?" Jada asked as she crossed Sofia's bedroom and to the little girls bed.

Sofia bounded off the bed and toward her bookshelf as Jada gently laid herself down on the bed beside Callie. Jada was glad her and Callie thought this one through and got Sofia a bed that was big enough for the three of them to comfortably have story time on.

And the little girl had quite the princess palace. Sofia's bed was pushed against the wall with the wall side being lined with stuffed animals. There was a beautiful Cinderella style canopy over the bed that nearly reached the ceiling. At the end of Sofia's bed were the stairs to her bunk bed. Although she rarely used it, sometimes the little girl would sleep at the top of the bunk bed. The bottom had been cleared out to make a little desk area for Sofia to draw and when she got a little older, homework.

Her closet was filled with clothes and neatly arranged toys that weren't able to fit in the designated cubby area. Sofia had a big cubby that had many different bins for her toys. And the bigger ones that couldn't fit, went in the closet. The little girl had strict rules about how many toys were allowed to be out downstairs, so the family room wouldn't turn into a play room. She was very good at putting away her toys in her room when she was done with them.

Jada glared at Callie over her shoulder as she moved herself toward her wife. Callie was cuddling a stuffed animal penguin and Jada wanted those arms to be wrapped around her only.

"Excuse me?"

"There's room," Callie replied with a smile, moving as close as she could to the wall.

Leaning over into Callie's ear, Jada quietly whispered, "you might want to rethink your decision if you want to have fun tonight."

Callie raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


Jada smiled when Callie's arms wrapped around her and she was pulled down against her wife's chest. "Is that better?" Callie asked. "You're going to have to read tonight though."

"Much better," Jada replied as she leaned over her shoulder and gave her wife a kiss. Deciding she hadn't had enough, Jada leaned back over her shoulder and pressed her lips to Callie's for a longer and more intimate kiss.

"Eww! Mommies stop kissing!"

Both Callie and Jada immediately turned to look at their little girl before turning back to each other and kissing again.

"Eww," Sofia pouted as she returned to her bed and plopped down beside Jada.

"What's wrong Sof?" Jada asked with a smile. "You've seen Momma and I kiss all the time."

"I don't like it."

Both Callie and Jada laughed. "I'm going to say that when you start dating, Sofster," Callie teased.

"I'm not nasty."

"So we're nasty?" Jada said, deciding to have some fun in teasing her daughter. "Momma, that's not very nice is it?" Jada asked in her childlike voice.

Callie shook her head. "That's not very nice, Mommy."

Sofia was giggling now, clearly amused at the voices both of her moms were making.

"I love you, Momma," Jada said before leaning over to kiss Callie again.

"I love you too."

"Mommy!" Sofia giggled. "No more kissing."

Both Callie and Jada just laughed again. "I happen to like kissing you," Callie stated, reinforcing her point by kissing her wife again. "And that's just at the top of the list of things I can do to you to show you how much I love you."

Callie was rewarded with a playful smack to the arm. "Calliope!"

"Mommy, that's not nice," Sofia stated.

"Yeah, Mommy, that's not nice," Callie added.

Jada rolled her eyes and leaned back against her instigator of a wife. "Sofster, did you pick out a book for tonight?"

Sofia shook her head. "You and Momma tell me a story?"

"We can tell you a story. Do you have any ideas or do you want Momma and I to think of something?" Jada asked.

"You think."

"I got this," Callie whispered into Jada's ear. "She's never going to let us pick again."

"You ready Sof?"

"Yeah, Mommy!"

Callie sat up onto her forearm and began the story. "It was a chilly January day in Los Angeles and I was at the mall. I was on a Lynx mission that day..."

Jada listened to Callie tell the story and her heart warmed at how intensely Sofia was paying attention. The little girl loved the stories where her mom talked about being Lynx. They told Sofia recently and the little girl had enjoyed bragging to everyone that her mom was a superhero. At that age, almost every kid's parents were a superhero in their mind. So, no one had really entertained the thought of one of Sofia's moms actually being a superhero.

"I saw your Mommy, Sof," Callie continued. "She looked absolutely breathtakingly stunning. She was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever seen and she still is. And I knew that something was up and I needed to protect your Mommy."

"And I did. I protected Mommy. Not that she really needed it. She's strong and she can take care of herself. But, I protected her from the bad guys and I made a promise to myself that day that I would always protect her."

"Your Mommy and I got to know each other and then she asked me to be her girlfriend. And do you know what I said?"

"Yes!" Sofia exclaimed.

"I said yes," Callie confirmed. "I was in love with Mommy before I realized I was in love with her. She was amazing and I knew early on that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I asked her to marry me and what do you think she said?"

"She said yes!"

"She did say yes," Callie said happily. "And she made me the luckiest girl in the world that day. I still don't know with one of us is luckier, Sof. You for having such an awesome mom, or me for having such an amazing wife. What do you think?"

"Momma and I are lucky!"

"I agree. Mommy is amazing isn't she?"


Callie couldn't help but smile. "So, you can thank me for getting it together and asking your Mommy out on a date."

"Thank you, Momma," the little girl said happily.

"I have been in love with your Mommy ever since," Callie said. "You and Mommy are the loves of my life."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now