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"Callie, baby?"


"I missed you today. I missed you so much." Jada took a deep breath. "I missed you a little extra today."

"I always miss you," Callie replied softly. "I'm sorry I was gone all day. I wasn't expecting a multi vehicle accident trauma to show up today."

"You don't need to apologize, Calliope. I knew what I was doing when I decided to marry a surgeon."

A small smile crossed Callie's face as she let out a faint giggle. "I just bring our nighttime activities to your office," Jada added.

"Those are always the best parts of my day."

Jada adjusted her head on Callie's shoulder and worked her left arm under the pillow they were sharing. "You look tired, baby."

"I'm exhausted," Callie answered quietly.

"You need to take some time for yourself to rest," Jada told her sternly. "You're back to working a lot on top of taking care of me and the girls. Christmas is in a month and everyone volunteered us to host. I'm almost fully healed so you don't need to take care of me as much as you have been."

"Take a few days off and rest."

"I've been off work too long already," Callie protested.

"Don't make me make Arizona kick you out of your office again," she teased with a smile. "You're tired. I can see it and I can feel it. You've done so much. It's time to take care of yourself."

Upon seeing the glare in her wife's eyes, Callie playfully sighed. "This isn't up for debate, am I right?"

"It is not up for debate," Jada answered proudly. "You're duty bound and I'm going to use it against you. You do everything I ask, so I'm asking you, can you please take some time to rest?"

"That's not fair," Callie was quick to point out as she began laughing at Jada's facial expression.

Jada began laughing too and playfully smacked Callie's stomach, getting her to laugh even harder. "Oh, it's totally fair."

"No, it's not."

"Yes it is," Jada shot back with a widening smile. "It is because I say it is."

Callie playfully rolled her eyes and giggled. "You're lucky I love you."

"Or what?"

"Or you would not be a recipient of the Torres method."

"Oh please, I've been having sex with you long enough to know all your tricks."

"Sure you do," Callie shot back playfully.

Jada nodded. "I do."

"I still seem to surprise you every time."

She playfully smacked Callie's stomach again. "I'm making you take a few days to rest, and I know your method. You're just going down today, Calliope."

"You better watch it, I'm going to get you."

"I'd like to see you try, baby."

Callie suddenly sat up, grabbed Jada, and pressed her against the mattress. With her body weight keeping Jada pinned underneath her, Callie began to tickle Jada's sides as she began to laugh.

"I think I got you."

"Baby, you win!" Jada laughed. "I surrender!"

The tickling immediately stopped. "What was that?"

"I surrender," Jada said again, this time with a seductive smile crossing her lips. "I would love to be taken into custody by Callie Torres. I'm going to get arrested just so I can be arrested by you."

"Wishful thinking," Callie replied teasingly. "I arrest a lot of people who are much more rowdy than you."

"I can be rowdy," Jada said before breaking into laughter again even though Callie was not tickling her. "What are we even doing?"

"I don't know but it's cute."

Jada leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Callie's lips. "I love when we do this."

Callie rolled off Jada and moved to lay beside her. "I love this. And I love you."

"I love you too, Calliope," Jada said with a wide smile. "Wait!"


"Since it's almost Christmas, are we going to see your parents this year?" Jada asked. "We were just talking about Christmas and I wanted to ask."

"I know you want to go to Mexico so we can," Callie replied. "I don't want to take the girls, though. I'm not ready to introduce my family to them."

Jada wrapped her arms around Callie. "And that's okay. Let's see how it goes if you're up for it and we can decide for next time. Your mom knows about Sofia, right?" Jada then asked.

Callie nodded. "She does. I don't think she knows about Riley unless my dad told her."

"I told her I was pregnant with Riley," Jada pointed out.

"She knows about Riley then," Callie said. "It doesn't matter, I'm not throwing the girls into the shit show that is my family."

"And I'm with you on that. Let's just see how it goes and take it from there."

Jada slowly turned Callie on her back and assumed her favorite sleeping position with her head on Callie's shoulder. "Thank you for not running on me when you saw how much of a piece of work my family is," Callie said softly.

"You know I'd never leave your side. Not even some threats and homophobic parents would scare me away."

"I'm going to book a hotel in the morning."

"I was going to ask about that," Jada thought aloud.

"I want to be able to get away if we need to and have it just be us," Callie stated.

"That's a good idea. Would your parents even let us sleep in the same bed at their house?"

"My dad wouldn't care but my mom would flip out. But, even more the reason to do it anyway."

Jada smiled. "I love the way you think."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now