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Callie and Jada were on the path to getting wasted. Michelle had brought Grace and Arizona with her along with the dogs, making this New York City trip a family vacation.

Callie booked another room in her dad's hotel, this one being a suite that took up pretty much the entire floor. There were multiple bedrooms, an entire kitchen, and the room service was always there.

Jada headed out to the New York clubs with her wife after Callie finished this Friday's session. With the addition of the rest of the family, Callie and Jada extended their getaway into the following week.

With the weekend free, Callie and Jada decided to take some time for themselves while everyone else was back at the hotel. A few other surgeons from Seattle had come, including Addison Montgomery.

"How's Henry?" Callie asked as she took another sip of her beer.

Jada was sitting on the barstool right beside Callie, cuddling into her side. It had been extremely cold in New York, and Jada was freezing.

"Henry's good," Addison answered. "I had a pregnancy scare right before we left for here."

Callie laughed. "Just get pregnant already!" she teased. "You have the ability to get pregnant, so get pregnant."

"You're right," Addison agreed. "He and I have always wanted kids and I'm not getting any younger."

She nodded. "Jada said being pregnant wasn't as bad as everyone made it seem. I miss Mark. He would have some good advice for you."

"If he wasn't trying to stick his dick in me."

The table laughed. "Mark certainly made the rounds, but as much of an ass as he could be, he was a really good friend."

"The friend that always tried to get in your pants first."

Callie and Addison laughed. "He was a pretty good lay," Callie added, taking another sip of beer. She threw her arm around Jada. "Jade here, is one hell of a lay."

Jada smiled. "Only for you, baby."

"So Jada," Addison began. "Have you ever been with a guy?"

"I kissed one boy in high school," Jada answered. "I always had a feeling that I was gay, so I decided to kiss a boy to be sure. I was very sure after that."

"You've never done stuff with a guy?"

"Nope," Jada shook her head proudly. "Only Callie."

"She's a penis virgin," Callie hissed into Addison's ear as she laughed.

"What the fuck, Cal?"

"She's done stuff," Callie began to ramble. "We've done stuff. A lot of stuff. A lot and a lot of stuff."

"Oh no."

"We do it with penises, but... not real penises."

Jada palmed her face with her hand as her wife continued to explain in great detail how they did it. "Calliope?"

"Yeah babe?" Callie asked, stopping her little speech in her tracks.

"I swear your friends know just as much about our sex life as we do."

Both Callie and Addison laughed. Addison leaned over and said softly to Jada, "Girl, Torres never bragged about anyone like she brags about you."

"Is that right, Calliope?"

Callie nodded and took another sip of her drink. "Absolutely right baby girl."

Jada slid off the barstool and stood directly in front of Callie. Leaning down, she grabbed Callie's face in her hands, and planted a hard kiss onto her lips. Callie's strong and sure hands immediately went to Jada's hips and pulled her as close as she could.

Callie's back was against the wall. Jada pushed into Callie, grabbed her strong shoulders, and turned her and the chair until Callie could lean right against the wall. Moving onto the tips of her toes, Jada pushed herself up into Callie's lap.

Jada didn't know what came over her, but she wanted to kiss Callie over and over, and she wanted to do it now. Plus, people made out at bars all the time.

"Calliope?" Jada said, gasping for air after parting their lips for the first time.


"Make out with me."

"Right here?"

From behind them, Addison giggled. "Maybe you two should just go back and get a room."

"Good idea," Jada agreed. "But, Calliope, we haven't made out like this in a little while."

Callie nodded and before she could say anything, Jada's lips were back on hers, and her body was pressing Callie harder into the wall.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now