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Jada woke to Callie's fingers tapping on her bare shoulder. "Wake up babe," Callie said softly.

Not wanting to open her eyes yet, Jada simply groaned and rolled over, pressing her face into her wife's bare chest. "No."

"Come on, Jaelynn. I have something planned for you. We need to get up and get going if we want to make it before the game."

"What time is it?" Jada groaned contently when she opened her eyes to see Callie's breasts. That was a surprise she wasn't expecting.

"It's nine," Callie replied softly.

"But the game doesn't start until noon," Jada protested as she cuddled more into Callie.

UCLA made it to the Super Regional championship and if they won the first game, they would be heading to the World Series. If they didn't win the first game, there would be a second one played to determine who was going to move on.

"I know, but I have something planned for you," Callie repeated. "I think you'll like it."

"I just want to go back to sleep and cuddle," Jada mumbled under her breath after placing a quick kiss on Callie's collarbone.

"Trust me, babe," Callie said. "This is going to be something you've dreamed about."

"I am already living my dream," Jada teased in reply. "I'm married to you."

"Give me a chance," Callie begged. "I know this is a dream of yours too."

"Nothing is going to beat cuddling my wife for an extra hour."

"We'll see what you think after you see it."

"Can you just tell me what it is?"

Shaking her head, Callie replied, "now that would ruin the surprise."

Callie wrapped her arms around Jada and pulled her onto her back. Picking Jada's arm up, Callie made herself comfortable and rested her head on Jada's shoulder. "A few more minutes of cuddling and then will you get up?"

Jada raised her eyebrow and smiled. "Sexy time?"


Nodding, Jada's smile widened. "I need to be sexually fulfilled for this surprise you have for me."

Callie playfully rolled her eyes and settled herself above Jada. "One time. And then you have to get up."

"Only if it's good enough," Jada teased.

"Oh, it's always good enough," Callie replied seductively while leaning over and pressing a hard kiss to Jada's neck which would hopefully leave a mark. "I've never been told that it's not good enough."

"My only real experience is you, so if it wasn't good enough, I would never know," Jada replied.

"Then you should be reassured and know that I have skills, sweetheart."

"I know you have skills," Jada replied confidently. "Now will you shut up and use them on me?"

"That's not a nice way to talk to your wife." Placing both hands on either side of Jada's shoulders, Callie pushed herself up and into a sitting position.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now