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Jada came out of her office and into the living room to see Callie and Sofia curled up together on the floor. The little girls toys were covering the living room floor in a half circle around Callie.

She walked around the couch, quieting her footsteps when she saw their daughter was asleep with her back pressed up against her mom. Callie had a pillow propped up under her head that she was sharing with Sofia.

Jada was sure the little girl begged her mom to come play with her. And Callie most likely made herself comfortable by laying on the floor with a pillow. Sofia probably got tired after playing with the boatload of toys that scattered the floor and also from earlier today when Jada tricked both of her girls into helping her get things ready for tomorrow. Jada really had some fun things planned for tomorrow.

"Jada honey, what is that?" Michelle asked earlier as she watched her daughter carry a box inside from the front door.

"I have something planned for Callie's birthday tomorrow night," Jada said with a wild smile.

"I know," Michelle said. "But what is that?"

"Mom, why do you have to be so nosy?" Jada playfully rolled her eyes.

"So it's something you don't want me to know what it is?"

Jada palmed her face with her hand. "It's for Callie and I tomorrow night."

"So you ordered sex toys?" Michelle immediately assumed.

Even though Jada knew her mom was teasing her, it was still a bit annoying. "Why are you so nosy?"

"Because I'm just curious," Michelle replied. "I'm your mom, you can tell me anything."

"I know, thank you Mom," Jada said appreciatively. "Let's just say I'm going to ask if Sofia can sleep in your room tomorrow night?"

Before Michelle could say anything else, Jada added, "Callie's going to be screaming tomorrow night."

"Damn, the sex is that good she screams for you?"

Jada couldn't help but simply laugh. "Mom, I truly lost my virginity over four years ago. I think I know what I'm doing on her by now."

"It's been that long since you fucked Callie for the first time?"

"More like Callie fucked me," Jada replied and both women broke into laughter.

Jada loved her relationship with her mom. Most people weren't nearly as close to their parents as she was to her mom. Although Jada liked to tease her mom for asking, she had no hesitations about telling her mom anything. Even when it turned rather personal.

"I can see that," Michelle agreed. "You seem way more submissive then she does."


Jada stifled a laugh and continued into the living room. Callie wasn't going to be expecting what she would be getting tomorrow night at all. And Jada was looking forward to it.

Callie's eyes immediately met hers and Jada felt herself melting into the floor as she sat down to be closer to Callie. That girl just had a way with her.

"Hi baby," Jada whispered as she leaned against Callie's back, and leaning over enough that she could rest her head on Callie's arm.

Leaning over to check on Sofia, Callie rolled onto her back while the little girl stayed curled up against Callie's side.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Callie asked softly when she saw the glistening in her wife's eyes.

"Because of how much I love you," Jada replied as she nuzzled her face into Callie's neck.

"I love you too, Jaelynn," Callie added as she wrapped her arms around Jada. "So much."

"I'm sorry," Jada began to apologize. She grabbed a fistful of Callie's t-shirt and used it to wipe the tears off her cheeks. "I'm so emotional. I'm sorry. It's those stupid hormones."

Callie giggled softly. "Your hormones aren't enough to scare me away."

"Thank you, baby," Jada whispered.

"You're welcome," Callie responded as she hugged Jada tighter and rested her chin on the top of Jada's head. "I will never stop loving you."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now