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After waking up without her wife, Callie was searching the house for Jada. This was unusual, it was always Callie who woke first.

Callie checked the bathroom then the kitchen before making her way to Jada's office. Slowly pushing the door open, she sighed. Jada wasn't in there, the room was dark, and her computers were off, meaning they hadn't been touched today.

Heading into the living room, Callie made her way right across it and into the kitchen. She was going to see if Jada's keys were here. It was unusual for either of them to leave the house without telling the other, or leaving a text message if the other was sleeping. But Callie hadn't gotten one.

And Jada's keys were still here. None of the keys were gone except for Michelle's and she was doing some shopping after dropping Sofia off at preschool.

"Jaelynn?" Callie called aloud into the empty house. All Callie heard was the sound of her voice echoing off the walls and back at her.

Now Callie was starting to get worried. Digging her phone out of her pocket, Callie called Jada's mom.

"Hey Callie!"

"Hi," Callie answered quietly. "Thank you for taking Sofia today."

"You're welcome."

"Is Jada with you by chance?"

There was a pause on the other side of the line. "No, she's not."

Callie swallowed as her heart began to beat out of her chest. "She wasn't in bed this morning when I woke up, her keys are here, and I can't find her," Callie rambled. "She didn't tell me she was going with anyone either."

Michelle let out a deep breath. "I-"

"Arizona!" Callie yelled through the house.

"Yeah?" Arizona called from upstairs.

"Have you seen Jada!?"

"No, I just woke up!"

Callie unmuted her phone. "Arizona hasn't seen her either."

"Do you need me to come home?" Michelle asked. "I can try calling her."

"I did that already," Callie replied. Taking her left hand off the phone she reached around her neck and felt for her necklace. "I'm going Lynx mode. I'll find her," Callie said as she pressed the necklace and was instantly in her Lynx suit.

"I need to take it easy working out," Callie muttered under her breath to herself. "Suit's getting tight on the biceps."

"Let me know if you need me to come home, Callie," Michelle said through the phone.

"I will, thank you."

Pressing the end call button, Callie stuffed her phone into one of the pockets in the suit and allowed herself to adjust to being in the suit again. It had been a while since she'd worn it last.

As soon as she was comfortable, Callie immediately heard a faint sound. She really focused on the sound, spinning around in place a few times while she tried to track the sound. Callie took off for the stairs and nearly jumped down all the stairs to the basement as she hurried down. Hearing the sound coming from the back storage room, Callie sprinted in that direction, letting out a sigh of relief when she found Jada sitting in the corner.

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now