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To Jada, nothing beat waking up wrapped up in her Calliope's arms. She laid comfortably back up against Callie's chest, with one of Callie's strong arms wrapped around her abdomen. The other arm was under Jada's pillow, and the back of Jada's hand was held by Callie's.

It was freezing in New York, and normally, Jada would be cold. But laying here, wrapped up in Callie's warm embrace, Jada felt so snuggly, and like she could sleep for days.

She knew that wasn't going to happen though. In a few minutes, Callie's alarm would go off and they would both be getting up to attend another day's worth of conferences.

As if one cue, Jada felt Callie begin to stretch out, and her arm tightened around Jada's body as she did so. Callie groaned and buried her face into the pillow.

"Good morning, Calliope," Jada said softly.

"Morning, babe," Callie answered back as she continued to stretch out. "I don't want to get up," she groaned.

"Then don't," Jada teased. "Stay here and sleep with me."

"Any day," Callie said. "Just not today."

Jada playfully pouted. "Come on babe," Callie said from behind her as she moved to sit up.

When Callie moved from behind her, Jada rolled onto her back and wished she hadn't done so at that time. Even though it was cold, Callie slept in a tank top. And she was currently stretching her arms like she was flexing, the even more toned muscles bulging at the movement.

Jada felt a fresh bit of moisture settle between her legs at the sight. Callie's muscles turned her into a horny bitch. She had been working out even more recently and Jada once again swore that she'd never seen a woman more ripped than Callie.

"Can you not do that right now?" Jada growled.

"What?" Callie teasingly asked, not needing to be told what Jada was referring to. "This?" Callie flexed again, this time teasing a smile for her wife.

"Callie!" Jada groaned as she rolled over. "Stop it!"

"I'm just stretching," Callie teased innocently.

"You know what you're doing, Calliope."

"And I'm doing it for you. Because I love you."

Jada rolled her eyes. "You are annoying sometimes."

"That's not very nice."

"You aren't very nice sometimes."

"That's rude," Callie teased with a smile. "I thought we were friends."

"Don't you dare friend zone me, Calliope."

"I'm going to friend zone you until you decide to be nice to me," Callie said as she pushed herself up and out of bed. "You decide, Jaelynn."

Jada reached towards her neck and pressed her Lynx necklace. Now wearing the suit, she hopped out of bed and tried to grab Callie's arm to throw her back onto the bed. But, Jada was stunned when Callie's arm didn't move and instead, Jada's grip on Callie's arm was being pushed back at her.

"Let's not forget, I designed the suit," Callie said cooly as she pushed Jada's arm to her side. "It listens to me. That also includes someone trying to use it against me."

Jada groaned again and didn't even need to press the necklace for the suit since she knew she wanted it off. "Nice try, babe," Callie added.

She tried to throw her arms around Callie's neck, but Callie stepped out of the way. "You're still friend zoned."

Jada plopped back down onto the bed, crossed her arms, and pouted while Callie smiled at her. Callie turned around towards the dresser they had placed their clothes in and began digging for a bra. Finding one, she set it down atop the dresser and quickly pulled her shirt over her head.

Callie's shoulders were incredibly muscular. From the back, without knowing that it was Callie, she wouldn't think Callie was a woman as that was how strong she was. Jada grew up in LA and spent most of her life in LA so she had seen her share of shirtless men. And none of them looked like Callie did.

Callie was ripped like the female version of Hulk. And as much as Jada didn't want to tell Callie, because she knew Callie would tease her about it, but she really wanted to see Callie compete in one of those fitness challenge shows. No one would stand a chance against Callie, but Jada was also unsure if she wanted the entire world to get to see her eye candy.

Rolling her eyes, Jada couldn't help but sigh when she saw Callie clip the ends of a hot pink bra together. The only time Jada would ever see Callie in pink, was either her bra and underwear, or pajamas.

Pink was Jada's favorite color and Callie was well aware of the fact. Callie always claimed that she was too badass to wear pink. Eventually Jada wore her down, and Callie would only wear pink when she wouldn't be seen by many people. As she watched Callie slide the straps over her shoulders, Jada's mouth watered. This was going to be a long day, and she was going to have to wait the entire day to shoot her shot for tonight with Callie.

When Callie turned around and began coming in the direction of their bed, Jada instinctively spread her legs apart. There was one thing she desperately wanted right now, and that was Callie between her legs.

Callie quickly noticed Jada's change in behavior and flashed her a teasing smile. She decided to have a little fun with her wife. Coming back towards Jada, Callie came right to the edge of the bed. She placed her right knee on the bed, between her wife's legs, and slowly pressed towards her as she looked down at Jada. She smiled after hearing Jada's quiet moan of contentment when her thigh made contact with Jada's center.

"You, baby, are still friend zoned."

Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now