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Jada woke up to soft and gentle kisses being placed on her shoulders, upper back, and neck. Jada let out a small moan of contentment and relaxed with a smile stretching across her face.

"Calliope," she said dreamily.

"Good morning sweetheart," Callie replied softly between the soft kisses she was trailing over Jada's shoulder. "Merry Christmas."

Slowly, Jada began to turn into Callie, giving the brunette enough room to continue kissing her neck and now the front of her shoulder. "Mhm, good morning, Calliope." Closing her eyes and comfortably resting against Callie, she asked, "did it snow?"

"It snowed," Callie replied softly.

"I'm going to kick your butt," Jada giggled softly as she turned over until she was fully facing Callie. "Sofia and I are going to take you down."

A soft chuckle came from Callie while she kissed Jada's forehead tenderly and sweetly. "We'll see. I kick your ass every year."

Callie, Jada, and now Sofia had a Christmas snowball fight every year on the big day. They would usually get enough snow in Seattle around Christmas time to play outside in the snow and have their annual Torres family snowball fight. Jada had never been successful in beating Callie, as the brunette was much faster and stronger. The snowball fight always ended in a wrestling match, something Jada would lose too.

"You're pretty cocky," Jada teasingly pointed out.

"I can be, considering I win every time."

Jada just smirked into Callie's neck. "What time is it, baby?"

"It's 6:30," Callie answered, taking another opportunity to press a soft kiss to Jada's forehead. "I was going to get coffee going and a clean change of clothes for us, but I wanted you to wake up first."

"Mhm, thank you," Jada murmured as she kissed the side of Callie's neck, a moan escaping her throat when her lips traced over Callie's pulse point and felt it roar to life. "Why do we need clothes-oh," she said with a smile.

"Yeah," Callie agreed, rolling Jada onto her back and beginning to explore her neck with kisses.

"We need to do this more often," Jada suggested.

"What? Sleep down here?"

"Mhm," she answered. "Nothing beats cuddling and sleeping with my wife in front of the fire with wine, while it's cold outside, before we have some really, really, out of this world sex."

Jada added, "I get to wake up with you and we get up and watch our kids open all their Christmas presents. Then we give each other our gifts."

Callie leaned down to kiss Jada passionately as soon as she finished speaking. "Calliope," Jada murmured between kisses.


"Do you think we have enough time for another round before we get up?"

"Absolutely," Callie whispered into Jada's ear.

"Good, because coffee only wakes me up so much," Jada said seductively.


Lynx Book 3: A Callie Torres StoryWhere stories live. Discover now