Sleeping!Kuroko x Reader - Sakura Confession (REQUESTED)

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Requested By: Love_Anime321

Week 1 Theme : Fluff


"(L/N)..." Kuroko called making you jump.

"Kuroko! Gosh, you scared me!" you yelled hitting him in the head lightly.

"Sorry," he mumbled taking a seat next to you under a Sakura tree not to far away from you two school.

You continued drawing in your notebook and he just watched you draw. Soon later though he dozed off.

His head slipped onto your shoulder, since it was uncomfortable for you and you couldn't draw properly you slowly and gently put his head on your lap.

He stirred in his sleep, and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute his sleeping face was.

"(L/N)..." he muttered, you hummed in reply thinking he had woken but soon realized he was just sleep talking.

"I really like you," he paused, "no I love you."

You blushed because he was dreaming about you and he because he confessed to you.

To bad he wasn't awake.

"I love you too."

Suddenly he got up, "that's good to here."

"Ehh, you were awake?" you asked shocked.

"No, I only heard you say you love me too," he said kissing your hand then your cheek, "it's good since I really love (Y/N)."

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