Anime!Kuroko x Real!Reader - Realistic...XD

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I don't know what I'm writing FYI...TT.TT

It's very late here but I can't fall asleep.


You stared at you laptop and sighed, "why can't you be real," you muttered as you watched Kuroko on your screen.

You were rewatching KnB since you had nothing to do in particular, after a while you closed down your laptop and pushed in under your bed.

Suddenly you saw a bunny in your room, you got up to get a closer look, and it was off. You followed it to a small door you hadn't noticed in your house before, curious you opened it and went through.

A bright light blinded your eyes but when you opened it you were in front of a door in a school, 'how did I get here,' you wondered.

You again opened the new door in front of you to see where it would lead you this time, hopefully not into a classroom.

To your surprise it didn't, oh no it did not, it was the door to enter a gym, and not just any gym, the gym of Seirin High.

Your jaws dropped, just then a blunette boy bumped into you making both of you fall over him on-top of you.

He looked into your eyes, his lips so close to yours, "ah sorry," he said getting up and helping you back on your feet.

You couldn't believe that it was your all time anime crush, Kuroko Tetsuya, "I must be dreaming," you muttered.

Kuroko looked at you wondering what you meant, but before you could say anything Riko called him.

He nodded at you and turned away, you went and sat to watch the basketball team practice.

"I haven't seen you here before," Riko smiled taking a seat next to you introducing herself.

"(L/N) (F/N), nice to meet you, yeah I haven't been here before," you replied remembering what happened earlier, "I just somehow stumbled here if you know what I mean."

"Are you sure because I see you've got your eyes on Kuroko," she teased, "you like him don't you?"

"You could put it like that," you laughed nervously and scratched the back of your neck.

"Who'd know I'd end up here following a bunny," you mumbled for only you to hear.

Riko continued to tease you and giggle, you two got along very well, "well I'll introduce you two to each other," she proposed after a while, "he will like you I'm sure, trust your senpai."

As she promised she did, Kuroko gave you a half smile while the other basketball player stared at the two of you wondering, 'why him!?!?!'

Well that wasn't a hard question to answer, he was perfect in every way possible.

Riko noticed you looked a bit nervous but she shrugged it off, if only she new what was going through your mind right now.

How you were so happy, yet scared, happy you were having an experience no one else would probably have, but scared that you might lose him, since you were both part of different worlds.

But these words make your heart go crazy.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, nice to meet you, I hope we get to hang out sometime."

Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now