Kuroko x Sister!Reader- Love's Definition(REQUESTED)

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Requested By- GrayLuCelestIce

I'm not taking anymore requests since I want to finish up all the requests I have asap. So there may be two updates at once.

Oh, and if you want to ask me a question or Kuroko refer back to the chapter 'To: Kuroko' the answers will be posted tomorrow...


"(Y/N) I love you." Tetsuya said for the fifth time that day. You smiled and nodded, his confessions had become part of your every day life.

'Yeah right, it's a lie,' you thought as you flipped a page in your novel.

"(Y/N) are you listening?" he asked trying to get your attention.

"Yeah," you muttered turning away from him, "leave me alone Tetsuya."

You didn't hate having your brother tell you he loved you what you hated was that you loved him even more that just siblings. It bugged you allot.

What was Tetsuya's meaning when he said he loved you. As a brother, or more.

"Tetsuya, define love," you looked him in the eye seriously.

The phantom boy just stared at you speechless for a moment, "love is....love, why do you ask?"

You sighed and shook your head, "I mean what is your definition of love, what do you mean when you say you love me?"

"Love is," he paused and thought for a moment, "love is that feeling you get when you are around someone special to you, (Y/N) is special to me so I love her," he looked at you and smiled, "love is love it cannot be explained."

You nodded your head. You had to admit you were a bit impressed at what he said.

"Love is just love after all."

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