Kuroko x Fangirl!Reader - Fangirl Over Me, I Should Be Your Bias

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Heyo, look who has decided to update. Yeahhhh, I know I suck. I'm so sorry for not updating in like so long. I'm writing three one-shots for this so stay tuned.

Again sorry.

Another sorry.

Sorry again.

Sorry one more time.


OK I should start now... sorry

PS... The title originally was suppose to be Fangirl Over Me then I thought up of I Should Be Your Bias, and they both seemed good.

I couldn't choose one so I put both. Yep this is you crazy assed author.


"Kyaaa!!" (Y/N) sqealed earning a look from students in the lunchroom.

"(F/N) shhh, your being to loud," your friend exclaimed sighing.

She was a total nerd, and hated noise, the complete opposite of her cousin Kise.

"Come on (B/F/N), you have to admit that (Favourite Male Singer) looks absolutely hot in his new debut, just look at him, look at him, loooook at himmmm," you said shoving your phone in her face, "he's perfect, my bias, the only one who got my heart. "

Your friend sighed replying that she though some other guy from some other band was a million times better. That's how your argument started about two really good looking guy.

Now, not too far away sitting a table away from you was the basketball team chatting away as if nothing mattered, except for one boy. He wasn't known much for words so it only seemed normal, but today wasn't like any other day, today was the day he was going to tell a special girl something very important. Though, now he was debating in his mind if he should.

"I love (Favourite Male Singer)," you sighed lovingly after you and your friend stopped fighting.


Nope, he wasn't going to.

So much for practicing his confession infront of the mirror and writing it out, trying to keep it sweet and simple.

*Moments Later*

The first years went back to class finding there seats switched.

Soon as class began the teacher announced that you will have a project to work on in class, and to make life easier he moved your desks next to your partner.

Coincidentally you and Kuroko were pared together.

You smiled, his heart raced, you tried
to act civilized, he wished you'd be yourself, minus the part about you loving some idol.

"Kuroko-kun are you OK?" you asked pulling your chair next to his.

He was silent.

"Hellooooo," you said waving your hand in front of his face, "you OK bro bro?"

"Yeah, I was just think of someone."

"Ohhhh," you teased, "come on tell me, we still have the whole week to finish this off."

He looked at you thinking for a moment, "I was indirectly rejected today. "

When he noticed your confused look he continued.

"She loves some star so much, she goes crazy over him, and she has no place in her heart but for him."

"Hooooold on, a star," you started laughing then stopped, it was Kuroko's turn to be confused though it didn't show.

"A girl will fangirl over a star, call him their bias, say that she wants to be his waifu, but that's her fangirly mind," you paused, "they're girls with an overactive mind, and if you like a fangirl you have to get use to that part of her."

"Oh," then he was deep in though again.

Days went by as you two did your project and chatted away about anything. Well he throwing in a few words here and there.

You had gotten comfortable with him, and sometimes let your fangirly mind onto him.

One day he decided to walk with you on your way home and you started ranting and going crazy about (Favourite Male Singer).

Kuroko sighed, "I should be your bias," he muttered, thinking you didn't hear, but you did clearly.

Not knowing what to say, you just continued fangirling.

For the next couple days you tried to avoid Kuroko, you felt awkward, but also felt bad for leaving him alone with no explanation.

"(L/N)-san why are you avoiding me?" Kuroko asked you one day, "did I do something wrong?"

"Um, no," you mumbled pushing past him.

He turned and watched you leave sadly.

'Do I like him?' you asked yourself as you walked away, you turned back and the two of you made eye contact.

You blushed and turned away, Kuroko followed you and stopped you again.


You stopped walking again, you could feel his eyes bore through your back.

You turned and faced him seriously, "there is a basketball team, and one of the boys are my bias," this was Kuroko's cue, he kissed you.

When you two pulled away you started laughing, he smiled.

"Kuroko your my number one bias, but (Favourite Male Singer( is my second," you giggled teasing him.

He sighed, "whatever," then smiled again.

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