Child!Kuroko x Sensei!Reader- Hide and Seek

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Your 23 and Kuroko is 10.

I thought I posted this yesterday....


You had just been hired to work at Teiko Elementary school, you had just finished getting your degree so you were happy you got a job very quickly.

You were giving the classroom of the teacher that just quit.

"It's that ghost boy tell you, he scares the day lights out of people," the teacher told you storming out of the staff room.

'Ghost boy?'


'What on earth was she talking about?'

The rest of the teachers just laughed and brushed it off.

'But it isn't very nice to call one of the students ghost,' you thought walking into your new class.

It was different, you were excited yet nervous.

You quickly introduced yourself to all the students, it made your heart flutter to be called (L/N)- sensei for the first time. Of course you were called that before, but this was different, you finally were a full time teacher with your own class.

"Kuroko Tetsuya?" you said for the second time,"I guess he's absent."

"(L/N)- sensei," someone tugged on your skirt,"I was sitting at the back for the whole time."

"Oh? Sorry, I didn't notice," you crouched down and patted the boys head,"I'll do better next time, now please take a seat."

For the next week you started noticing when the blunette boy was there and when he was missing.

Everyone in your class loved you. The students called you,'The Absolute Sensei,' since they thought you were absolutely perfect.(a/n:sorry Akashi)

You were supervising the students playing outside, when you noticed Kuroko standing in the corner looking at the other students playing.

"Why don't you go play with the other children," you said taking a seat next to him.

"No one will notice me," he replied.

You thought fo a moment,"how about we play hide and seek, if I find you it will prove people will notice," he looked at you the slowly nodded.

"Ok! Go hide, I'll count to 10," you smiled.

He ran off and you started counting,"8,9, and 10! Ready or not here I come!"

You had 5 minutes to find him before the bell rang, you ran around the park trying to find him.

'Where can he be,' you scratched your head,'1 minute left.'

Suddenly you spotted a small blunette boy under the slide, you peeked under the slide and smiled,"found you."

After school that day Kuroko looked happier than when you first started teaching.


-11 years later-

Kuroko's POV

I have never forgotten (L/N)- sensei, the teacher that lit up our classroom and made learning fun and enjoyable.

I always wanted to be a teacher like her, and now I have my own classroom filled with young minds.

I don't think I saw her after the school year finished, but if I did I would tell her:

"Thank you for finding me."

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