Chapter 105

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We got to keep this world together, got to keep it moving straight. Love like we mean forever, so that people can relate. If you're rolling to your left, don't forget I'm on the right.. Trust and forgive each other a little love and we just might..

The house was eerily quiet that morning as Izzy rubbed her eyes and scuffled out of her room, down the stairs and towards the kitchen to make coffee, glad to finally have a weekend off.

She walked into the kitchen stopping at the door and frowning noticing Meredith sitting at the table hunched over a cup of coffee staring into the cup as the steam rose up out of it and into her nose..

"You know it works much better when you drink it." Izzy mumbled as she made her way to the coffee pot.. Meredith looked up and rolled her eyes...

"I know." She said in a hoarse voice "I just don't have the strength to life the cup." Izzy rolled her eyes and walked over lifting the cup up and holding it in front of her face.. Meredith sighed and took the cup out of Izzy's hand and took a long sip..

"So how long have you been up?"

"Since 3 am." Meredith mumbled "Worrying about this stupid trip."

"Do you know where you're going?"

"Lake Wenatchee." She sighed "Its in Leavenworth, a few hour drive.. I wanted to just drive there and go back but Derek said something about hiking... stupid."

"Hiking is fun." Izzy said trying to be positive as she sunk into the chair across the table from Meredith... "Did you pack clothes?"

"For what?" Meredith frowned "I'll be back tonight."

"Sure." Izzy smirked "You're going away with your hot husband, don't try to tell me you're not going to be getting a hotel."

"We're not." She grumbled "The trip will be a success if we both come back alive.... How this is supposed to show us how to trust each other I have no idea."

"Whatever." Izzy mumbled when they hear the door bell ring..

They look at each other a moment before Meredith slowly gets up and sighs as she scuffles to the door... She opens it seeing a grumpy looking Derek standing there in a pair of boots, jeans a dark blue t-shirt and leather jacket as well as a navy ball cap..

"You're early." Meredith grumbled looking at the clock noticing it wasn't even 8 am yet..

"Yeah." He grumbled out "Thought you'd want this over with."

"Right." She said grabbing a small day bag

"Have fun you two!" Izzy called out from the kitchen.. they looked over both with scowls on their faces to see her standing in the door way holding a coffee cup grinning at them "All day fun... all night fun.. sexy fun even."

Meredith glared at her as she practically pushed Derek out the door... she threw her bag over her shoulder and sighed as she started to feel for her keys..

"So should we take my car or yours."

"Mine." He answers "Yours is too pretty.. it might get scratched.. or break down if we get too much mud on it."

"Just because it's a Mercedes doesn't mean that its not a good car.. and what the hell are you driving anyways."

He leads her to the end of the sidewalk and points to his Jeep Rubicon parked in front of her house.. she scrunches up her nose and lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Seriously Derek at least mine has a roof.. my hair is going to blow everywhere.. and I have to read the damn map."

"I'll put the top on if it makes you.. happy." He grits out as he puts her bag in the back of it.. She rolls her eyes and gets in the passenger seat as he climbs in and starts the engine... he pulls onto the road and turns on the radio...

"Oh god the Clash Derek?" she whines "Please tell me you've gotten a better taste in music over the last 5 years." Derek grips his steering wheel as he grinds his teeth trying his hardest to contain his temper and reaches over and turns off the radio..

"Fine." He grits through his teeth, "No music."

"Whatever." She mumbles as she sits back in the seat and crosses her arms... Derek pulls up to the first stop sign and looks over at her.. she sits there a moment wondering why they weren't going and looks over to see him staring at her annoyed "What?"

"Are you going to give me directions or are we going to sit here all day?"

"Oh please I thought that you at least knew how to get to the damn interstate."

"That's not the point of this."

"Really, I'd love for you to tell me what exactly the point is!" she snapped back "Because all I see it as is a waste of time!" He pressed his lips as she reached into her bag and pulled the map out and tried not to rip it with frustration as she opened it.. "We need to get onto 5 and head north... happy now?"

"Not really." He muttered.. she sighed as she crossed her arms and muttered back..

"Me either."

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