Chapter 12

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"Meredith!" the little curly haired brunette called out to her blonde pigtail braided friend who was straggling behind as they walked along the side walk on a hot afternoon carrying their school books "Meredith are you coming?"

"I'm coming, I'm coming Katie." She groaned as she skipped to catch up to her best friend. "What ever happened to your brother walking us home like your mom asked him to."

"I don't know." She groaned "He's stupid, he's probably off playing stupid baseball with his pig headed friends at the park."

"He's not afraid that he'll get in trouble?"

"Are you kidding, he LOVES being in trouble."

"Hmmh. Must be why he is in it so much." Meredith giggled.

"So what's up with your mom?"

"Oh she's secretly dating this new guy and thinks that I know nothing about it. Just because I'm 9 doesn't mean I'm ignorant."

"Grown ups are stupid." Katie replied.

"I agree!" Meredith groaned

"So what happens if she ends up marrying the guy."

"I don't know why?"

"Well." Katie said stopping them both and looking at her frightened "What happens if you move away, we wont be friends anymore."

"Oh Katie." Meredith breathed out as she reached out and pulled her friend into a soft hug "We'll always be friends."

"Promise?" Katie asked.

"Of course." She smiled back "We're going to grow old together, and go to college together, become doctors together..."

"Hey." Katie grinned "Maybe you'll even marry my brother someday and be my actual sister."

Meredith turned up her nose in disgust but before she could say anything they heard the screeching of bike tires come right up on them and they both squeezed their eyes shut and screamed awaiting the collision. But just before it came the noise changed into a roaring laughter.. they both opened their eyes to see the gleeful face of a teenage boy they recognized...

"Derek!" Katie shrieked "Why do you have to be such a jerk!"

"Katie why do you have to be such a brat!" he yelled before turning and riding off... Meredith turned to Katie clenching her fists...

"Maybe you're right Katie." She said through gritted teeth "Maybe I will marry him someday... but NOT before I kill him first!"

She then dropped her school books at Katie's feet and ran off swinging her book bag over her head like a lasso... Katie watched as Meredith threw it and watched as it hit Derek in the back of the head sending him flying off his bike..

She threw her hand over her mouth and burst into giggles before running off together down the street in a fit of laughter as Derek screamed out his threats... in that moment they hated each other.. the feeling however.. wouldn't last long.

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