Chapter 72

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I still get lost in your eyes, and it seems that I can't live a day without you.
Closing my eyes, and you chase my thoughts away to a place where I am blinded by the light ...But it's not right.
--Michelle Branch

Meredith got on the elevator that evening looking forward to finally be going home.. wanting to be in her bed already... sleeping... ALONE...

She had been fighting all day to get Derek out of her head and more importantly what they did... technically they didn't go against her morals since they were sort of still married... but no... it was a last one time thing... she couldn't think about it anymore... then the doors opened...

"Hi." He smiled as he stepped on...

"Hi." She smiled back nervously...

"I see you got rid of the sex hair."

"Don't." she gasped "You cant mention it, you cant say stuff like that... we're not going to think about it."

"Oh?" he asked raising his brow as he turned and faced her "So you haven't been thinking about it all day then?"

"No." she whispered out... "You?"

"Yes." He smirked softly as he leaned in slowly...

"Oh.. well I haven't." she said breathily...

"Neither have I." He smirked...

"But you just said-" she frowned and then narrowed her eyes on him "Shut up."

"Ok." He shrugged...

Before she could say anything else he wrapped an arm around her tiny frame and pulled her into him crashing his lips down onto hers... she gasped and felt her arms naturally wrap around his neck as she moaned into his mouth...

He pushed her body against the wall of the elevator as his hands moved into her hair smoothing through the silky strands.. her fingers dug into his shoulders as her craving for more screamed at her... the chime of the elevator broke them apart into heaping pants as they straightened up their appearances...

"Not nice." She panted...

"You know you liked it." He joked...

She couldn't help but giggle as she tried to find a coherent thought... the doors opened quickly bringing reality all too present to the pair as their faces fell and she felt herself gasp slightly...

"Finn." She gulped clashing her eyes with his light blue ones and plastering a smile on her face "You're back."

"I am." He smiled as they both got off the elevator... "Derek." He nodded..

"Finn." He nodded back before flashing Meredith a look and smiling at both of them "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He smiled back..

"Night." She mumbled... she smiled as Finn turned back to her and tried to stop her hands from shaking... "So you're back.. early."


He smiled as he leaned in to kiss her but she moved so his lips hit her cheek.. somehow she didn't fell comfortable with two men kissing her lips on top of each other, he didn't seem to notice too much and shrugged it off

"My dad didn't need me as much as he thought so I figured I'd get back to my clinic... and you."

"Oh." She giggled nervously "How... nice of you."

"So can I take you to dinner or are you too tired?"

"What.. tired.. no.. I'm not tired.. why would you think I was tired.. I don't look tired.. what would I be tired from?" she rambled out nervously.

"Whoa." He chuckled "Slow down there.. I thought maybe you had a long day at work... so if you're too tired to go out I can cook for you at home."

"Oh." She said breathing with a sigh of relief "Yeah um... work... work hasn't been bad.. I just... we can go out.. dinner sounds good."

"Ok then." He smiled as he looped his arm around hers and they walked to the door "So how was your day?"

She felt a smile pull at the corners of her lips and stifled a giggle as she looked out into the night air and replied softly...


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