Chapter 65

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When you're fighting the current, you forget how to live.
And I wanted to reach you but I don't know where to begin...
And you remain, a promise unfulfilled until today..
--The Goo Goo Dolls

"Why is it so slow today?" Christina grumbled as she walked down the hallway with Meredith..

"What do you mean?"

"I've only had 4 surgeries today and two were scheduled... I thought the holidays meant people got hurt more."

"Are you seriously wishing people to get hurt?"

"It'd make my Christmas merrier." She grumbled..

"You're sick." Meredith hissed out "You're a sick, sick person."

"I wouldn't say sick so much as I love my job."

"Right." She said rolling her eyes "Well I for one think its nice to be slow for a change... its been stressful enough around here as it is."

"Oh yes, being free from McVet and kissed by McDreamy is sooo stressful!"

"Shut up." She grumbled

"You still wearing the rings?"

"No." she grumbled unhappily..

"So you decided it was too weird huh?"

"Not that so much as... I couldn't do that to Finn."

"What wear rings around the chain of an ugly necklace?"

"Christina." She said rolling her eyes "It was more than just wearing rings... it was..." she pressed her lips together and let out a hard sigh and shook her head "It was his grandmother's necklace... and I just felt guilty.. and Finn is out of the country thinking that I'm just working and my feelings are new and reserved but for him and-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She said stopping her "No one around here cares about the vet."

Meredith rolled her eyes and shook her head as she sighed and looked around the empty hallway...

"Damnit it is slow!"

"This is what I am saying."

Just then both of their pagers went off... they looked down at them as they heard several other pagers going off echoing the hallway as nurses and other doctors all looked at them and each other... Meredith looked at Christina wide eyed...

"Thank you." She grinned and started to rush off.. Meredith quickly followed her and frowned...

"I didn't say anything."

When they got down to the ER it was a chaotic mess of blood and body parts, ambulances coming in left and right.. due to a large car pile up on the interstate... Christina quickly ran off to the side towards a neuro case while Meredith stood there feeling her head spin not sure where she was needed most...

"Hey!" she heard shouted and turned to see a paramedic "Are you a doctor?"

She saw the nervous look in his eyes as he had a pile of bloody cloths clutched to his chest..

"Yes I am." She replied "Are you hurt?"

"No." he said as he stopped in front of her and reached out his arms "But here."

Meredith gasped as she looked down to see a baby in his arms trying to cry covered with a light layer of blood... the medic quickly placed him in Meredith's shocked arms as she looked him over..

"Wha.. whe.. where's... he looks new where's his mother?" she asked frantically...

"She's dead." He said shaking his head.. "She died at the scene and if it weren't for one of the surgeons on call talking me through an emergency c-section he would be too.. his abdomen looks pretty bruised up so he may have some internal injuries."

"Oh god."

Meredith whispered as she felt her chest clench and looked down at the baby feeling a lump in her throat tighten, she looked up to thank the medic but he was already gone...

She turned around looking for someone to help her but there were so many people rushing around her she didn't know who was who... she felt tears start to well up in her eyes at the heartache of the situation and started to hyperventilate when she suddenly saw a dark blue figure step in front of her... she looked up into his eyes with her scared ones...

"His... he... the mother is dead." She squeaked out.. "She dead and I don't know what to do."

"Shhh." He said reached out his hands and taking the baby from her "Just follow me it'll be ok."

She nodded taking Derek's lead and following him out of the OR holding the screaming infant as her head slowly stopped spinning she couldn't help but feel the pain of loss deep in her gut.

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